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Walking around the drop ship Clarke and I check on everyone, giving them water and and food. There weren't many people left in the drop ship, the infection passing through relatively quickly.

Murphy had been helping us as well which was surprising. Maybe being with the grounders had changed him.

"Here." Murphy says, catching my attention. He proceeded to hand - a now awake - Bellamy a cup of water in which Bellamy refused and shoved it away, spilling some of its contents on the floor.

"When I get better, if your still here-"

Grabbing a cloth, I walk over and place my hand on Murphy's shoulder, "Hey. I got this one."

I take the cup from his hands as he gets up and walks away. "Here." I say handing the cup to Bellamy. Bellamy looks at me, his eyes skimming over my face. "You feeling better?"

"Yeah." I reply, my voice hushed. "That's good." Bellamy nods, pausing slightly. "Have you seen Octavia?"

"She was up all night helping people. Murphy gave her a break."

"Don't tell me you trust him now."

"Trust? No." I deny, "I do believe in second chances though." I say, looking at him with a soft look.

"Holland, I was really scared that you were going to die." Bellamy admits, looking at the ground. "I don't know what I would have done with myself."

"Well, I'm here." I whisper. He looks up at me, his head tilted. It seems like forever that we stare into each others eyes until Bellamy starts leaning in. Follow his actions, I lean in as well, my heart beating out of my chest.

But before our lips connected Clarke came done to the bottom level, both of us moving away. My cheeks were flushed with embarrassment. I honestly didn't know what to say. "It's almost dawn. We better get everyone inside." Clarke says, walking past the two of us not even taking in the fact of what we were just doing.

Not meeting Bellamy's eye we both head out of the drop ship, helping get the rest of camp inside. Clarke told me of the bombing of the bridge plan but honestly, I didn't know if it was going to work and if Jasper and Finn could pull it off. It seemed like a long shot. 

The campers, most with masks on still weary of the infection, slowly ushered themselves inside. Suddenly, a booming explosion causes all of us to look towards the sky. A large smoke cloud, bigger than the one from the exodus ship, towered over the trees. The bridge, is my first thought. "They did it." Bellamy comments, his eyes wide in awe.

"I am become death, destroyer of worlds." I whisper to myself.


Fighter >>>> Bellamy Blake [Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now