Louis's pov:
"Incoming!!" I scream at the top of my lungs. I crash into the family room couch on my little pink scooter I just got from Walmart. It really fancied me. To even make it even better it was on sale!!
"Louis cut it out please, can't you see I'm busy here." Harry groans and wipes his forehead with his palm. He was leaning against the vacuum cleaner with his forearm and sweating from head to toe.
"Hazza do you have to be Danny Tanner right now." I complain to him. What has gotten into him? I sit down on the couch behind me.
"It's nothing Louis now please just let me do my work." He focused on the carpet and grips the control on the vacuum. I could tell something is bothering him, I just know it.
"Harry, what's up mate?" I ask him. I want to know what's bugging in that little mind of his.
"Sorry Lou, it's just that company is coming over and-" I stop him mid sentence.
"Company? Who coming over here? I don't think Simon is coming yet he's scheduled to come next week." I look up at the ceiling and think of when he's coming. Shit. I forgot what he told us. Oh well.
"No Lou it's not that. There's this- well...it's a girl who I've been talking with for a while and.." I can see him fiddle with his fingers but I just smile real wide. I can't control myself.
"HAROLD HAS A GIRLFRIEND HAROLD HAS A GIRLFRIEND!!" I scream and stand up from the couch and started to dance.
And by dancing I mean a little of the sprinkler, the Harlem Shake, and my famous one of all 'stopping the traffic and letting it go'.
"Lou, please stop it. She's not my girlfriend. It's just a girl and she wants to see-" I stop him right there. Just a girl? What's he thinking.
"She doesn't seem like 'just a girl' Harry. You're stupid ass is cleaning our freaking house for Pete's sake 'cause of this lady friend of yours!" I blurt and put my hands on my hips. It's true though, he must really like this girl a lot.
"Well, I just want the house to be ready for the girl to come in."
*ding dong*
"Shit." Harry muttered under his breath. What is it now?
"What?" I happen to ask.
"I still have to clean my room! Oh dear!!" Harrys face was in worry and ran up the stairs as fast as lightning.
Guess I'm gonna have to open the door.
"Hey you ordered a 2 large cheese pizzas right?" The middle-aged man said looking at his checkbook.
"My pizza i almost forgot! Why thank you kind sir!" I gave him a $20 and he have me the change. I then shut the door behind me with my foot. These large pizzas were quite heavy.
I wobbled into the kitchen with my large ass pizzas. I set it on the table and take a breather. Wow I need to get in shape. I wipe the sweat off my forehead and was about to open one of the boxes when I heard a some shuffling.
"Elise! Elise! I'm here don't you worry! Sorry that Louis had to get the door I had to fix up a little bit and-" Harry yells going down the stairs. But when he enters the kitchen he sees me and my pizza. He was fiddling with the buttons on his navy blue shirt.

Unbroken H.S.
RomanceElise is an average teenage girl who's a sophomore in high school. During one of her classes, she meets this cute and funny lad that she madly falls in love with..Harry Styles. As they start dating, the famous Styles cheats on her for another bombsh...