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As soon as I woke up I face time Gigi. "Hey." I laid on my stomach. "I have to tell you something." She nodded. "I spent the weekend with Justin you know that, but when he dropped me off at my house we kissed. Her eyes went wide and she screamed. "Oh my gosh what did it feel like? Were his lips soft? Did you enjoy it? Was there fireworks?" I laughed at her. "Gigi calm down. I guess his lips were soft. He kissed me and I kissed back 10 seconds late." She screamed. "Also he confessed his feelings for me and told me to think about him and the kiss," I added. "You need to stop playing with his feelings and just date him already." I rolled my eyes. "Okay bye Gigi talk to you later." I got ready for the day and I did some photoshoots, castings and interviews.


I couldn't get the kiss out of my head. Her soft lips on mine it felt so natural like our lips were made for each order. I defiantly felt sparks. I never fell this hard for a girl. I will do anything for Kylie. I want her so bad but I have to give her space to decide.


I was staying at Becky's and Kylie was all over Justin's snapchat. Kylie was sitting on his lap while laughing in the background. When I saw that she was sitting on his lap I was so mad because she knew that I really liked him.
That should be me because if it wasn't for me she wouldn't even be hanging out with him. I wonder if she even mentions me. Kylie's not good for him. She's the type of person to run away from her problems and not solve them. She runs away that's what she does. I can treat him way better and I don't have boyfriend.


I just got out of a meeting with Kristen and I was on my way to pick up some popeyes. It was only just a few blocks away. I took some pictures with fans and the paps were following me. "Kylie are you and Justin calling it official?" I rolled my eyes getting in my car."Kylie is there anything you can say about Justin?" I rolled down the window. "He's super talented and hot," I yelled. I'm sure a fan got that in video. I got back in the house and ate my food and knocked out.

change my life | j.bDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora