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"C'mon ky we're gonna be late," my friend Jordyn said. I laced up my Adidas and grabbed my car keys to my rolls royce. She was dragging me to a Justin Bieber concert tonight and we we're front row. "Oh my gosh I can't wait aren't you happy?" I laughed. "Um not to be pushed and shoved by tons of girls calling his name not really happy about that part," I said. "Whatever." She turned on the radio singing to his song sorry. I groaned. We got to the arena and I parked my car. We had our tickets in our hand. I wrapped my arm around Jordyn since she knows where we're going.

We walked inside the arena and already it was packed. We found our spots and just talked. "Oh my gosh what happens if he like touches my hand I think I'll faint." I laughed at jordyns fanastys. I ran my fingers through my long straight black hair. Post Malone came out and I sang along to all his songs. Justin started singing and came out the floor in a glass box. Jordyn along with other girls started screaming. Like why are they screaming he's not even close to you shut the fuck up except Jordyn she can cause she's my best friend.


I was singing purpose when I sat down in front of these girls. They we're all pretty but this one girl caught my eye. She had long straight black hair, these aluring chocolate brown eyes. She was the definition of beauty. Her friend grabbed my hand and she nudged her. Her friend looked like she was gonna faint. The black hair girl recorded us smiling. She had such a prepossessing smile. She had nice straight white teeth. I smiled at her. She didn't really notice. I winked at her and she smiled a little. I let go her friends hand and scooted to the next section. But one things for sure after this I have to find her because she is just so stunning.


I don't know who Justin was winking at maybe the girl behind me because I'm ugly. Jordyn couldn't believe he held her hand and she couldn't breathe. May I add that she was crying too. "Jordyn just breathe okay," I say giggling. I wiped away her tears.
The show was over and everyone tried to get out all at once. It was hectic. When we we're walking to my car we heard lots of screaming. "I wonder what happened?" I shrugged my shoulders. "Someone probably fainted." We got in my car and drove home.


That's it she was gone but I will never forget what she looks like.


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- Alexas -

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