Syrup Is Still Syrup In A Sippy Cup

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I know it isn't right. I know I should have moved on but how do you move on from something like that? Especially when so many memories are left behind? God I wish I never said the word love, maybe none of this would've happened. Just maybe.
But I can't change it. No matter what, alphabet boy is gone. My syrup is syrup still syrup in a sippy cup and he's still dead when I'm done the bottle. Why was it my alphabet boy? I guess its some kind of cruel fucking joke and I'm the punchline.
I want to laugh, I want to cry, hell I just want to die. Why? I'm still the Mad Hatter, still off my rockers, they tell you to kill yourself and you're going to try it. Give you a new pill, you will try it
But my Alphabet Boy wouldn't want that, he'd want to me say my ABC's and I'd say them a thousand times to get him back.
But this is just too much to throw at you just yet, why don't we go back to what happened instead of attending my pity party?

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2016 ⏰

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