Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Months went by like this. Daren came over often to play and hang out. Sometimes I would take him out to parks and stuff and play with him there. He was a really good kid. I wonder why the world had to do that to him. Kill his parents and his sister.

Life was good.

I had joined Tim for training one day and kicked the shit out of the Alpha's son. Poor Carter didn't know what to do with himself after I beat him twice.

The next few days after that were normal. Tim came home, I had dinner ready, and we would watch some TV and go to sleep. Then wake up, I would have breakfast ready. Sometimes I would get lucky and he wouldn't have to go and train. It was obvious though, he hated leaving me. He loved me, and I loved him with my whole being.

One early afternoon a horn rang out through the pack. Minutes later Tim exploded through the door. His face full of panic as he grabbed my wrist and pulled me along with him as we ran. We ran to the pack house and into it. He ordered Carter to bring to some room and not let me out no matter what.

Panic rose inside me as he handed me off to Carter. I tried to grab back at Tim but he had turned around and walked out with Asher. Asher looked at me with a sad expression and then turned serious and walked out. Carter pulled me up to the top story. There was window that I ran to immediately.

"This isn't the safe room but my mother and others are filling up the safe room." Carter explained.

"I wouldn't have let you drag me into a safe room." I stated.

"I also thought that as well."

For hours I watched Tim explode through the enemy. He was an unstoppable machine. Then I noticed a guy walking towards him. I turned and sprinted for the stairs. I shoved Carter out of the way and he couldn't do anything but run after me. I exploded through the front door and stood there.

"Tim!" I screamed.

His face snapped to mine just as the man wrapped himself around him and a knife pushed against his cheek.

"Tim!" I screamed again.

"Carter! I told you-" Tim yelled.

Rayland turned and tried to grab ahold of me and pushed him away. Then my eyes flicked up to a sniper in the trees. I recognized him.

My eyes widened as I realized it was the man who told me to leave. Then I heard a gun shot. My body fell towards the ground as I watched Tim break free from the man and stumble to the ground in pure horror and grief.

What's happening? Am I dying? I don't want to die! I'm afraid to die!

I watched as Tim exploded through the rest of the assassins and killed the sniper. I heard a second shot and watched Tim fall to the ground. I wanted to cry but I couldn't. Why was I still conscious? I didn't want to see any of this. I watched Asher, Finn, and Rayland sprint out to Tim's side.

TIM! NO! You aren't aloud to die! You aren't!

They carried him back and I heard him saying for them to let him die. He wanted to die with me... Then when he was next to me he twisted out of their grasp and pulled me onto his lap and wept for me as he combed through my hair with bloody fingers. His thumb moved over my cheek and I let one tear fall but I didn't think he saw it. He was pulled away from me and I saw Rayland, Finn, and Asher all tears streaming down their faces when they looked at me.

Don't leave me. Please.

A few minutes later, I couldn't tell you how I could still see out of my eyes as I bled; Finn's face appeared in front of me. He had tears running down his face. I had never seen him cry. Then Asher appeared crying even more. Rayland showed and had only a few running. He didn't seem like one to cry all that much so it made sense.

They picked me up and carried me away. I didn't know where too, as I lay motionless.

Move! I didn't move, MOVE!

My arm moved and I grabbed Finn's arm. His head flipped to look at me. They had stopped moving.

"T-Tell him. Tell him I love him." I managed and I felt myself slip.

I let one last tear fall as I closed my eyes.

I was always running. Running from my fears. I never stopped running until the height of my life when I met Tim. Tim brought something out of me that I loved. Finn, Asher, and Rayland added to that experience. I loved all of them. I was always afraid, always running. So I guess you could say, I was always Running Afraid.

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