Chapter 6 (Playing Swicheroo)

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A/N A huge thanks to @RedBlueMaster15 for all of the truths and dares that you've given in. They have been such a HUGE help, thanks again.

Beth: Soooo, we're back!

Leo and Percy: Yaaaay!

Tiahn: And with us we bring another dare.

Annabeth: Yahoo. Note the sarcasm.

Beth: But first... we have some new contestants!

Everyone: WHO! WHO! WHO!

Tiahn: Okay, okay. So the new contestants are...... Hazel Levesque, Frank Zhang, Nico di Angelo, Thalia Grace, Reyna Avila Remirez-Arellano, George Weasley, Sadie Kane and Carter Kane! AKA the Alive Intruders.

Everyone: Yaaay!

*The new contestants appear*

The New Contestants: Hi everyone.

Everyone: Hi!

Nico: Wait, where are we?

Annabeth: The Leaning Tower of Pisa.

Thalia: Wait, in Italy?

Percy: No, in America.

Thalia: There's a Leaning Tower of Pisa in America?

Reyna: No we are in Italy. Percy was being saracastic.

Thalia: Oh.

Tiahn:  Moving on. And that's not all... We also have some new contestants back from the dead!

Everyone: OOOH.

Tiahn: Please welcome.... Bianca di Angelo, Luke Castellan, Silena Beaureguard, Charles Beckendorf, Rue Whatever-Her-Last-Name-Is and Fred Weasley! AKA The Dead Intruders.

Everyone: Yaaaay!

Beth: But having these new contestants means that some players will have to be eliminated from the game... for good!

Everyone: Ooooh!

Tiahn: But that's for later... First up, is a dare from @RedBlueMaster15.

Annabeth: Thanks. Note the sarcasm.

Beth: It is... Switcheroo!

Everyone: Huh. What's that?

Tiahn: It is a special game for Annabeth, Percy, Jason and Piper.

Annabeth, Percy, Jason and Piper: So what is it!!??

Beth: You'll see. *Click*

The four of them disappear and Marvel, Glimmer, Cato and Clove appear.

Marvel, Glimmer, Cato and Clove: Wha- Where are we?

Katniss: Aah, shoot. What are they doing here? They're dead.

Tiahn: Not anymore.

Peeta: Damn.

Thalia: You mean dam.

Peeta: No.. I mean damn.

Grover appears.

Grover: Nooo you mean dam.

Katniss:No, he means damn.

Beth: Okay, okay. Shut up. Peeta means damn but I get where your going Thalia and Grover.

Thalia and Grover: We're going to the dam(n) snack bar.

Beth, Tiahn, Grover and Thalia: Hahahahaha.

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