Chapter 16 {Did Someone Say Dance Off?}

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A/N: Sorry I haven’t updated this in so long. It always takes me a lot longer to write this story than my others…

Beth: Let us begin this round.

Tiahn: Gods, that was awful.

George: Hey!

Tiahn: Nothing against you, but I got no sleep.

Annabeth: Why not? I slept perfectly well.

Tiahn: That’s cause you were sleeping on the opposite side of the room. Beth and Leo were up all night, making out.

Beth: We were not!

Leo: You’re just jealous cause George wouldn’t make out with you.

Beth, Tiahn and George: Shut up Leo.

Leo: Okay, fine, whatever.

Katniss: Can we start the round? Please?

Beth: Sure! I think you’ll enjoy this round’s dare.

Tiahn: Yep, thanks @SeliaLea

Sadie: Just tell us what it is!


Click. A disco ball comes out of the roof, Shake It Off starts playing and multicoloured lights start flashing everywhere.

Ron: Oh great.


Nico: Do we have to?

Beth: Of course! And Draco is rejoining us to join, so we can have even numbers!

Harry: Oh great.

Click. Draco appears.

Draco: Why am I back here?

Beth: To join our dance competition!

Tiahn: These are the teams. Blue team captain is Beth. The others on her team are Thalia, Harry, Silena, George, Ginny, Leo, Percy, Finnick, Luke, Carter, Frank, Fred, Peeta and Sadie.

Beth: Red team captain is Tiahn. Everyone else is on her team. Go off and plan stuff!

After the planning:

{A/N: If they have a (B) next to their name, their on the blue team. If they don’t, their on red!}

Beth: That’s time! Everyone in two lines!

Tiahn: Blue team goes first.

Beth: AND GO!

Leo (B): *walks out in front*

Harry (B): *runs up and jumps over Leo*

Blue Team: Ooh! Beat that!

Jason: *steps forwards and does a spinney thing on the ground*

Red Team: Woo! Go Jay!

Thalia (B): *does a handstand and walks a bit on her hands*

Blue Team: *weird gangster poses*

Piper: *does the splits*

Red Team: Mmmm. Can’t beat that can ya?

Blue Team: Yeah we can!

Sadie (B): *does a round off thingy*

Blue Team: Yeah!

Ron: *walks forward and does a weird pose thing*

Red Team: Woo!

Carter (B): *runs around high-fiving everyone*

Blue Team: Woohoo!

Katniss: *does a cartwheel*

Red Team: Did ya see that? Woo! Can’t beat that!

George (B): *jumps up and does a flip in the air*

Blue Team: Uh huh! Go George!

Nico: *walks forwards and rolls his eyes*

Red Team: Boooooooooo-

Beth: Hush, children. No one is judged here, this is a safe environment.

Draco: Doesn’t seem like it.

Tiahn: Excuse me young man?

Draco: I’m older than you!

Beth: Hehe, lol, but we’re cooler, so we’re practically older.

Draco: It doesn’t work like that.

Tiahn: It does now.

Harry: Stop arguing! Geez.

Beth: Okay, now then, as Tiahn and I were both on a team, we will be asking the readers to vote!

Tiahn: Yes, readers, vote.

Beth: Which team was better, red or blue?

Leo: It’s blue!

Piper: No, red.

Beth: Hush! The readers will decide.

Tiahn: So go and leave a comment! Now! NOW!

Beth: Tell us who you thought was better at dancing!

Tiahn: And leave us truths or dares! We’re running out…

Beth: Goodbye now!

Tiahn: Everyone say goodbye.

Everyone: Goodbye!

A/N: I’m Sowwee for not updating this. Please don’t kill me! I’ll try and update more, but I’m doing Nanowrimo next month, so it probably won’t be until December. Do you think you can last a month? Ha, you probably have already, by accident :/


See ya in the Holiday Season, BFT’s!

Beth xx

Truth or Dare {A PJO/HoO; THG; HP & TKC FanFiction} [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now