Im Her Assistant Marcy

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Read Harry Aloud has the boys stop infront of the Giant Modern office building. They were there to meet with the Owner and CEO of the company. The Boys don't really know anything about the owner.

Hell they don't even know the gender of the owner.

As they enter the lobby they see there is floor to ceiling windows that were tinted so the outside world couldn't look in. The Floors looked like polished Marble, it had a very cold feel to it.

Paul went up to the secretary in the lobby to inform her that One Direction were there. Once they were given the go ahead the head to the Elevator and hit the button for the top floor. just as the secretary instucted them.

" So, does any one really know anything about the owner?" Says Liam breaking the errie silence.

They All shock their heads ' No'

As the doors of the elevator opened the walked into a nother lobby, this one was Generously smaller and had a comfortable sitting area and a big Double door and a desk sat next the door A young girl sat ther in a black Pencil skirt and a Emerald Green shirt that make her green eyes pop.

She looked up and immediately stood and rushed over to them.

" One Direction?" she asks.

" Yes and you are?" asked Paul

" oh I Apologoze Im Marcy Her Assistant" she Says Just as a man walks out of the big double doors in the lobby.

Calling back to the person in the office " Golf this sunday?"

They Didn't hear the responce from the office, but what ever it was made the man Smirk.

He then Sauntered towards them while trying to get to the elevator to leave.

" She's all yours" he says to the them.

they all turn back to Marcy who is Looking at the Expectantly.

" Well, Just don't stand there, Don't keep Her Waiting" waving her Hand towards the double doors.

The boys walked to the doors and knocked.

" You may enter" they heard a female voice say.

They entered through the office and the women's office was extremely different from the rest of the building. it had carpet the walls were a warm brown and it looked 'home-y'

As all of their eyes travel the room the women stands. She is wearing a beautiful red dress it was like one you would see in an old 1920s movie simple but elegant it came to her knee she also had 6" black heels on. she didn't look much older than the boys more like she was In her mid to late twenties.

" Hello, my name is Jolie Condon, owner and CEO of CONDON INC., one direction correct?" she asks

All the boys nod in unison.

" To shy to speak I see we'll then take a seat and we can discuss the business deal" she said walking around her huge desk to sit on one of the three couches that face each other all the boys scramble to their seats.

Something telling them not to keep this extremely powerful women waiting.

" so, how are you boys?" Ms.Condon asks to break the silence.

none of then spoke they just looked at each other than at her.

"so" she clears her throat and sits up straight with a determined look on her face " i bet you are wondering why i have called apon you well i did beca-" she was cut off by her assistant marcy knocking and then entering the room.

"excuse me Ms.Condon but you son and daughter are here" she says

Ms.Condons once annoyed look at Macy turned into one of gratitude.

"Thank you Marcy, boys i will be right back i must go see my children it will only take a minute. Oh and Marcy please entertain the boys while im gone" she says getting up and walking gracefully out of the room.

" Yes, mam" Marcy says as her boss walked out of the room.

"so Hello Boys" she says nevously.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05, 2015 ⏰

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