Chapter 11

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"Oh my goodness! You've gotten so big and so beautiful. I can't believe it's actually you."-lady
"Your my mom?!"-me
"You know it. Me and your father has been looking for you since you was 2 I can't believe it's you. Oh man! Jake he's going to be so happy. You used to be a huge daddy's girl."-mom
"Where is my dad? "-me
"He's at work."-mom "who's this handsome fellow? "
"I'm Jordan. Maddi's boyfriend."-Jordan
"Oh you're a lucky girl Maddi. This boy is pretty darn cute."-mom
"I know. He's the reason I'm here. "-me
"What do you mean? "-mom
"He kinda forced me to go to the cops when we found out I'm missing."-me
"Well thank ya Jordan."-mom
"Yes ma'am"-Jordan
Mom, Jordan, Uncle Jamie and I went inside and we all talked and caught up on each others lifes. Mom showed me and Jordan pictures of me when I was a baby, and a toddler. Uncle Jamie then asked,
"Who kidnapped you?"
"Kane and Hannah Deen. "-me
"That name sounds real familiar"-mom
"Yeah it does."-uncle jamie
"Would you like to take us to their house? We need to confront them and take them into custody."-Uncle Jamie
"I'll be happen to. We told Hannah we was going to get a few things from the store for the Europe trip."-me
"Europe trip?"-mom
"Yeah. Jordan, me and two friends are going to Europe for our graduation trip. We've planned this trip since freshman year. "-me
"Your already a senior. I've missed so much in your life. You first boyfriend. Life problems. First day of school. Everything."-mom
"It's fine. And Jordan was my first boyfriend and that'd lasted 3 years. My first day of school was okay I guess I don't even remember it."-me
We walked out the door and started heading towards Hannah and Kane's house.

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