Chapter 10

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The sheriff gets up and walks out of the room.
"Follow me"-Sheriff
Jordan and I get up and follow him to another officers office.
"Yes sir"-deputy
"I can't believe I'm saying this but she's returned. "-sheriff
Me and jordan walk to the doorway as the deputy breaks down in tears. I stand in shock. I don't know who this man is and he's crying over me.
"Can I ask who this is. "-I say whispering to the sheriff
"Maddison; I'm your uncle. Your moms brother. You remember Uncle Jamie. "-deputy
"I... I... Don't remember anyone sir."-me
He walked towards me and we hugged. I then began to cry because I started to know where I came from.
"Can I please see my mom? "-me
"Yeah. Shes actually just got off work so she'll be home. "-Uncle Jamie
"Do you guys need a ride? "-sheriff
"No sir. We drove."-me
"Who is this handsome fellow? "-Uncle Jamie
"I'm Jordan. Maddi's boyfriend"-Jordan
He shook his head as we all got in the cars. We followed them to this big white house with a black Honda in the driveway. We got out and walked up to the house. Uncle Jamie knocked on the door as Jordan, the sheriff, and I stood back.
A lady with long brown hair answered the door. Uncle Jamie walked in and talked to her. She came running out the door and stopped at me; with tears in both of our eyes she grabs me for a hug. I can't believe I'm actually meeting my real mom.

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