Chapter 4

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   Letting my body loose is what I really needed right now. I let my hips sway to the fast music that was playing, different color lights illuminated the room. Around the room were a lot of familiar faces. Someone behind me had grabbed my hips and started to dance with me, I really didn't mind though. My hands went around his neck pulling him closer to me. My hips grind against his front already feeling his bulge growing. I turn around to see who I had been dancing with and I knew straight away who it was, Zayn Malik. Everyone says he's a player or a fuck boy some of the girls call him. I personally have never messed around with him before. I pulled my body away from him when I remembered Becca has a thing for him trying to leave grip. He had pulled my body closer to his and by now I am feeling a little bit uncomfortable. I try to get away from his tight hold on my hips but his hands won't move even in the slightest bit.

"Can you let go!" I yell over the loud music, only for his grip to become tighter.

"Fuck off." I said now getting mad. I pushed on his chest so he could get the point. He finally lets go of me and grabbed a red headed girl and starts grinding on her.

I made my way out of the living room and make my way to the kitchen to find Becca. I soon get to the kitchen and see Becca in the corner talking to some boy I have never seen before.

"There you are I been looking for you everywhere." I said to Becca.

"Oh were you, more like looking for a place you can fuck Zayn at." she said to me. Looking at me in a hurt way.

"What the fuck? No it wasn't like that." I said , frowning my eyebrows at her.

"Just shut the fuck up and get away from me." she said as she left the kitchen pushing my shoulder on the way out.

  I grab about five shots of vodka and drowned them down my throat. The all too familiar burn stings my throat but in a way I like it. I leave the kitchen to go find Becca, worried about what I did to cause that outburst. I already feel the buzz from the alcohol I just consumed knowing it will soon have an effect on me in a matter of time. I make my way through the sweaty bodies I was once in looking for Becca. I searched all around the house going up stairs to see if she was in any of the bathrooms but making sure not to open any doors I didn't know what was behind them, today was not the day I would want to walk in on someone and knowing Becca she would never sleep with a stranger she hasn't at least have meet them. The last place I haven't checked was outside. I find the door that leads to the back yard. I open the door to get greeted by a wind off fresh crisp air cooling me. I wish I had brought some type of jacket to keep me warm. My bare arms form goosebumps and so does the spots where the rips were in my jeans. I scan the pack yard which was maybe five or six people some sitting around the fire drinking and talking.

"Came to join the party?" The all too familiar deep british, green eyed boy asked me.

"A lot more cozy out here than inside." I said sarcastically laughing a bit while I rubbed my warm hands up and down my arms. It wasn't that cold to me from the vodka I consumed a little while ago warming my face.

"Here you can have this, it's not much put it warms you up a little." he said shrugging off his deep blue flannel leaving him in a white v neck and black skinny jeans with his all to famous brown worn out boots.

"Thank you." I said smiling at him as I put his flannel on, his scent smelled of cologne and peppermint.

"What brings you here to this this freezing weather?" he said smirking a little.

"Looking for my bestfriend, she's about yay big, wavy blonde locks, goes by the name Becca." I said giggling a little, " How about you why are you out here in this freezing weather?" I said smiling at him.

"Not really a big fan of the smell of weed and sweat." he said scrunching up his nose.

"I can handle it for a bit but after that I feel dizzy." I said as I hopped on the rail that surrounded the deck, tucking my feet behind the polished wooden fence so I wouldn't fall.

"Back to the Becca topic, I saw her leave just a few minutes after you came out here." he said as he pointed to the side of the house that leads to the street.

"Of course she did." I said in a low whisper, shaking my head slightly. I can't believe she would just leave me like that.

"Is everything okay?" he said in a concerned voice.

"Ohm yeah I guess." I said as I rubbed my face.

"Do you want a ride? I'm fixing to head out anyway and I won't mind dropping you off." he said.

"Yeah that will be great." I said giving him a soft smile.

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