Ten (End)

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POV: 3rd Person
"Crap," Jimin said, rummaging through all of his trouser pockets. "I don't know where my phone went," he tapped his thighs, looking for where it could be. "Oh, never mind. It's right here," he said, fishing it out of his jumper pocket.

"Phone? Phone?" Taehyung repeated, his eyes widening. "You had a phone on you this whole time?!" he gasped, face-palming when he remembered that Jimin had showed him Taehyung's old messages on his phone. "You could have called somebody!"

"Oh yeah, sorry," he blushed, awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck with his teeth showing in a rectangular smile,Taehyung style.
"Sorry 'bout that," he laughed.

"Hurry up and just call somebody, anybody," Jungkook said, shrugging his shoulders. "At least if we get out of this dump, we can actually continue with our everyday lives."

"Hey, when should our date be?" Taehyung suddenly asked, interrupting the conversation. "Because, I can't do next Saturday, I have a dentist appointment," he rambled on, repeating what he had mentioned earlier on.

Jungkook put his finger to Taehyung's mouth, trying to shut him up. "Not now, Tae, we're tryna get out of this, okay?" he looked over at Jimin, who was beeping on his phone crazily.

"Who the hell are you calling?" Jin asked, looking over Jimin's shoulder. Being tall was good for some reasons, but his broad shoulders had interfered, and he had only managed to see the words 'Number One Pervert' as the contact name. "What... " he paused, as Jimin held his phone up to his ear to speak.

"Hello?" he asked into the phone. "Can you hear me properly, Namjoon?"

Oh, it was Namjoon, thank god, Jin thought to himself, feeling relieved. I guess he is the Number One Pervert around here, but why was Jimin calling him?

"Your mum, do you think that she can get us out of this mess?"
he asked into the phone.

Of course, Jin thought, his mum worked in the school. But, why didn't he call him earlier? That way, we could've gotten out of this way quicker than expected.

When he finished calling, Jimin looked up at us. "Namjoon's mum has the key to this isolation room, since she works in the detention and punishments department, or whatever shit this is, so we'll be saved soon. Make sure y'all give her thanks when we get outta here." he said flatly.

"Is she in school right now, though?" Taehyung asked. "Like, how long do we have to wait?"

"Not that long, " he replied. "Luckily for us, Namjoon's house is right around the corner, anyway,"

"Oh, yeah, I've been before," Jungkook whispered. "It's really only like 5 minutes away from here. He doesn't need to take the train or anything, he can just walk!"

"What do we do after we get out of this thing, though? It's like... eight thirty now, we've been in here much longer than I thought," Jin checked his watch. "But I guess time flies by when you're having fun, eh?"

"It sure does. But what about that date you promised me, Jungkook?"

"I didn't promise you anything, Taehyung. You asked me to ask you out, so don't pin this all on me, silly."

"Well, you're taking me on a date anyway. So, Jungkook, what day?"

"Next Saturday," the younger replied straight away.

Taehyung had a booked dentists' appointment for that day.

He pulled Jungkook in for a passionate kiss on the lips, smiling like a dork. He made the younger go red, stroking his cheek.

"Next Saturday is perfect, Kookie,"

I hope u liked this short fic (I could've finished this sooner but I kept neglecting it sorry lol) and I decided to end it with some fluff at the end (I don't usually do a lot of fluff lol) but I hope u liked it ~

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