Logan Brown

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Here is one for dreamingisbelieving8 enjoy!

"Don't be nervous they will love you for sure." Logan reassured you.

"I feel like they're are going to judge me and think that I'm some puck bunny or something." you sigh.

"(Y/N), if you impressed my parents and they like you then my team will be a piece of cake to get them to like you." Logan said.

"Fine let's get this over with." I said.

It was after one of their games that Logan wanted you to go out with the team so that you can meet all of them. Since you and Logan started dating he has been trying to get you to meet the team, but you have been hesitant. 

Logan pulled into the parking lot of the restaurant and your heart started to race. He must've noticed your nervousness because he took her hand in his and rubbed the back of your had with his thumb. 

"It's gonna be alright they'll love you." Logan said and kissed the back of your hand.

"Let's get this party started." you said sarcastically. 

"Hey Logan you finally made it!" said a blonde guy who looked vaguely familiar. 

"Mads great game tonight." Logan said and we took our seats.

"So who's the pretty lady?" the blonde asked.

"Mads and everyone else this is my girlfriend, (Y/N)." Logan introduced you to the team.

"How long have you been dating." another asked.

"About five months." Logan said.

"And we've never met you before, why?" they asked.

"Well I guess that I was just scared that you guys would judge me and not like me." you admit.

"Hey if Logan likes you we will automatically like you because we know he would never go for just any bimbo." one said.

"Hahaha thanks." you smiled. "How about some food? i'm starving."

"Logan you got a girl that likes to eat, I like her even more now." Mads said.

After dinner ended I overheard Logan and another one of his teammates, Brendan Lemieux, talking, "(Y/N) is definitely a keeper." Brendan said.

"Oh I plan on being with her for a while." Logan said and you couldn't help but smile to yourself.

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