Niklas Hjalmarsson

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"Hey babe I think that we need to talk." you say.

"What's up?" he asks smiling at you.

In your stomach you feel very guilty for what you are about to do.

"Umm I think that we need to take a break." you say.

"Zelda, what are you talking about?" he asks.

"I just don't feel the same way about you like I used to." you say looking away from him.

"Look me in the eyes, and tell me that you don't love me anymore." he says angrily.

You avoid eye contact, "Zelda!" he yells, and you feel tears on the brim of spilling down your face.

"It's just not the same." you choke out starting for the door.

Before hand you packed your stuff up before Niklas got home from practice.

"Please don't do this to me." he cries.

"I'm sorry Niklas." you say going out the door.

You are halfway down the hall almost to the elevator when you hear Niklas calling your name, but you do not listen never looking back.


(3 Months Later)

You and Niklas haven't talked since the day that you left, but you know in your heart that you shouldn't be hiding from him. It's a terrible thing to hide something this big from him. So today you went to his practice and sat in the stands to watch. It was only towards the end of practice that he noticed you. After practice he came out of the locker room and started towards you. Your heart was beating fast because of what he might say. You are afraid that you broke his heart.

"Zelda, why are you here" he asks.

"I miss you so much, and I need to talk to you about something really important." you say.

"You broke my heart. Why would I want to listen to you?" he asked.

"I left you because I'm pregnant with your child!" you scream at him.


"I'm pregnant." you say looking away from him, scared of what he would say.

"If you were pregnant you wouldn't have left me." he says.

"I left because I remember one time you told me that you would never want kids before we were married, and that if I ever got pregnant you'd leave me because you would be too young to be a father." you cry, and Niklas' face drops.

"Oh Zelda, I'm so sorry. I never really meant those words. I was really drunk that night. Remember?" He asks.

"Nik, that is no excuse. I know for a fact that when I get really drunk I tell the truth. And I know you do too. So don't pull that crap." you cry and start to walk away.

"Zelda, please don't leave me. I'm sorry for what I said, I can't change what I've said. But I can be there for you and the baby if you just take me back." he says.

You turn back to him. Everything was telling you that it would be wrong to go back to him. But then again everything was telling you that you should be with Niklas.

"Zelda please, I love you." he cries now collapsed on the bleachers.

"I forgive you, if you forgive me." you say.

"Yes, yes. A thousand times yes I forgive you." he says bringing you into his arms.

"I love you Niklas." you say, and kiss him.

"So do you have a bump yet?" he asks.

"I guess it's not that big." you say unzipping your puffy winter coat.

When you turn to the side for him to get a better look he starts to get tears in his eyes.

"This is the best day of my life." he says crying tears of joy. "Can I touch it?"

"Go ahead, it's your child too." you chuckle.

"I can't believe that this is happening." he says.

"Are you happy about it?" you ask.

"Of course." he says smiling down at you. "I can't wait to meet this little guy."

"Me too, I hope it's a boy." you say.

(5 months later)

The past couple of days have been terrible. Everything is all set for the baby. Niklas' apartment is big enough that we wouldn't need to buy a house unless you wanted more kids. But what has made the last couple days terrible is that the baby is kicking way too much so you never get any sleep. Right now you were still awake, but Niklas was out cold next to you. He has tried everything to comfort you, but nothing has worked. But tonight was the worst night of all. There is a sharp pain in your lower abdomen. You scream out in pain, and Niklas wakes up alarmed.

"Babe what's wrong?" He asks groggily.

"It's probably nothing just the baby kicking. Go back to sleep." you tell him.

But it's a couple hours later that the pain increases.

"Niklas wake up!" you yell.

"What's the matter?" he asks.

"Take me to the hospital now. I think the baby is coming." you say.

He gets the hospital bag. Both of us don't bother to change because we are both wearing sweats. He tells me to wait here so he can get the car parked out front. While you are waiting for him a small trickle of water goes down your leg.

"Shit." you curse under your breath.

You quickly change your pants before he comes back.

"Ready?" he asks helping you into the car.

"Not really." you say.

"You can do this, I know it." he says and kisses your forehead.

"I'm scared." you cry from both fear and pain.

"I will be with you the whole time. You have nothing to worry about. Our baby will be fine." he assures you.

When you and Niklas arrive at the hospital they immediately wheel you into the maternity wing. It was a long 10 hours of labor, but you deliver a beautiful baby boy.

"What should we name him?" Niklas asks you.

"How about Lucas?" you say.

"I love it and for the middle name, how about Edvin?" he asks.

"That's perfect. Lucas Edvin Hjalmarsson, welcome to the world." you say holding your baby boy.

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