Doctor imagine

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This one is for me, as I don't have any requests yet, but I want to start it asap.

It was a cool morning in London England. Daniel Howell and Philip Lester were curled up in bed. The ping of Dan's alarm suddenly woke both of the boys from their slumber. Phil stretched as Dan turned off the alarm.
"Good morning sleepy head," Dan said as he shook Phil.
Phil moaned and rolled over. He knew that today was his yearly check up at the doctor, and he was not looking forward to it. You see, Phil is very afraid of needles, and every year he gets at least one vaccine during his check up. Getting him out of bed and to the doctor's office on time was going to be a tough challenge for Dan. If it wasn't for Dan, Phil wouldn't go at all.

"Come on Phil," Dan pleaded. "You have to go to the doctor."
"But I don't wanna," Phil huffed.
"It won't be that bad," Dan reassured Phil. "I'll be there the whole time, I promise."

Phil gave in and rolled out of bed. He took a quick shower, got dressed and met Dan in the kitchen. Dan was already making breakfast. The pancakes sizzled on the skillet and the coffee was brewing in the coffee maker. Dan finished up making breakfast and the two boys enjoyed the meal before it was time to go. Both boys brushed their teeth, and soon they were out of the door.
*Skip to Doctors' office*
Phil shakily placed his hand on the door of the doctor's office and opened it. He signed in and filled out some forms, then sat down next to Dan, who was replying to some tweets. Much quicker than his liking, a short, slim nurse called Phil's name. He guided them through a corridor of doctor offices and into a room. He told Phil to take a seat on the exam table. Phil sat down on the table and Dan took a seat in one of the few chairs near the table. They sat and waited for the doctor to arrive.
They waited about 30 minutes before the doctor knocked on the door and left himself in.

"Hello, Phil I'm Dr. Marvin. How have you been?" The doctor asked as he took out Phil's file and started looking over it.
"Umm... I've been pretty good," Phil replied. "How about you?"
"I've been great, thanks for asking," The doctor replied.
There was a pause as the doctor finished looking over Phil's file.
"Come with me. We're gonna get you weighed and measured." Dr. Marvin said as he stood up.
Phil followed the doctor, and Dan followed behind Phil.
They were guided into a small room, with plain, white walls. There was a scale in one corner and a stadiometer in the other. The doctor told Phil to remove his shoes and step on the scale. Phil did as the doctor said and got on the scale. He looked down to see that his weight was 165.3 pounds. He had been around the lines of that weight for a while now. Next, his height was measured on the stadiometer. He was 6" 2.9'. That hadn't changed either.
They went back to the exam room and sat down.
"Okay, let's get started," the doctor said.

He took out a thermometer and took Phil's temperature. He had a slight fever of 100.1. The doctor made a note. Next, Dr. Mavin checked Phil's blood pressure and reflexes, both of those were normal. He looked in Phil's eyes and nose and saw nothing wrong. He looked down Phil's throat. He looked worried but just made a note. He moved on to the heart and lungs. He had Phil take some deep breaths as he placed the stethoscope on his back. Everything sounded fine and normal. He then asked Phil some questions about his overall health. Things like what he was eating, and how much he was exercising.

The doctor finished up the exam and everything was normal, except for Phil's throat. It was inflamed and his lymph nodes were swollen. Dr. Marvin decided to do a strep test on Phil, to make sure he was healthy. He took a cotton swab and rubbed it on the back of Phil's throat. The results would come back in about 15 minutes. Dr. Marvin took that time to ask Phil more about his symptoms. Phil had a sore throat for a few days, but he thought he just had a cold or something, so he ignored it. As for the fever, Phil just assumed the apartment was hot. He didn't even think that he could have a fever.

Dr. Marvin came back with the results of Phil's test. He had strep throat. The doctor prescribed him some medicine, so he could get better. Phil was ready to leave the office and go home, but he forgot about the vaccines he needed.

"I'll be right back with the vaccines, just sit tight for me," Dr. Marvin said as he left the room.

Panic filled Phil's body. He looked over anxiously at Dan.
"Don't worry Phil," Dan said calmly. "It's just shots, you've had a lot of shots before."
That's when the tears started to fall. Phil couldn't take it anymore, he broke down into tears and just sobbed. Dan bolted up and went to soothe his poor boyfriend.
"Hey, I'm sorry," Dan said. "It'll be fine, I promise. I'll be here the whole time, okay?" Dan continued. "Do you want me to sit with you?"
Phil nodded and Dan hopped up on the exam table with Phil. He rubbed his back and wiped away the tears. Phil took some deep breaths and managed to collect himself before the doctor returned.
Dr. Marvin returned with 2 shots. He looked at Dan strangely.
"Phil's a little scared, so I wanted to comfort him," Dan explained.
Dr. Marvin just nodded and proceeded to roll up Phil's sleeve. Dan held Phil's shaking hand, and Phil closed his eyes. The doctor wiped down Phil's arm with some rubbing alcohol before giving him the shot. The needle went into Phil's bicep and he flinched and held back the tears. He took some deep breaths as Dr. Marvin prepared the second shot. The doctor rubbed down his arm again and inserted the needle for the second time. This one hurt more and a few of Phil's tears escaped. He quickly wiped them away.
"Well, we're all done for today," Dr. Mavin said as he placed a bandage on Phil's arm. "Remember to get some rest and pick up your medicine."
With that, the two British boys left the doctors' office and returned home.
*a few days later*
"Come on Phil, you have to take your medicine," Dan pleaded.
Phil refused to take it. It tasted gross, and he hated it. Phil shook his head and pulled the covers over his entire body. Dan sighed and put down the medicine.
The last few days had been a struggle. Phil refused to take his medicine every day. Dan got so fed up with Phil that he called Phil's mum for help. She had a stern conversation with Phil about his health and taking medicine. That worked for a few days, but Phil forgot about the talk with his mother and was acting up again.

"Don't make me call your mum again!" Dan yelled. His patients were running thin.

Suddenly he heard crying from under the duvet. He lifted it up and saw Phil curled up in a ball with tears streaming down his face.

"Please don't yell at me," he sniffled. "I don't like it when you yell."

"Philly, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to yell. Come here," Dan cooed.

Phil sat up and accepted the hug Dan was offering him. Dan patted Phil's  back until the crying stopped.

"It's gonna be okay, Danny's here," Dan said. "Now please take your medicine. Do it for me." Dan begged he gave Phil the biggest puppy eyes he could manage.

Phil sighed and opened his mouth and Dan gave him the medicine. He made a sour face and took a sip of water.

"Thank you," Dan said.

"You're welcome," Phil replied.

"Can I get you anything?" Dan asked.

"Some cuddles would be nice," Phil said softly.

"Of course, anything for you."

So the two boys cuddled until Phil fell asleep. Dan didn't want to wake him up, so he remained in the bed until Phil woke up. He woke up groggily a few hours later. Dan scruffed Phil's messy hair.

"Hi, baby. How are you feeling?"

Phil just moaned, rolled over and fell back asleep. Dan watched Phil sleep for a few minutes, but actually got up this time and made Phil some soup for when he woke up. But Phil never did wake up...


Phil woke up 30 minutes later and ate some soup and jello with Dan. Phil took his medicine every day and he got better about a week later.

I'm sorry for the bad ending, I couldn't think of a way to end it. I promise they won't all be like this. Please send requests.


Word count: 1505

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