Doctor Imagine for niiambb

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It was a cold winter's evening, Daniel Howell was at his parents' house for Christmas. They had spent the day opening presents, laughing, eating, and playing games. At about 10:30 Dan decided that it was about time to head back home. He had spent all week with his family and was ready to return home and go on Tumblr for awhile. He packed up his suitcase and hugged his relatives goodbye. The leftovers his mum insisted he took home were in one hand and his suitcase in the other. As he walked out of the house and into his car he heard his mother shouting "Be safe love!" Little did she know that Dan was going to be so far from safe.

Dan opened the door to his black Range Rover and placed his suitcase in the back seat, then hopped into the driver's seat and put the key in the ignition. The soft hum of the engine filled the air and Dan started to drive.  A few miles into his drive he turned on some of his favorite Christmas music.

As he drives he starts to notice that a think layer of snow is building up on the road.  He is too far away from his parent's house to turn back, so he decides to brave the storm and keep on driving. As he nears his apartment he comes to a busy intersection. The light turns green and he begins to move forward, however the car behind him starts too soon and Dan's car skids across the road, then flips over. Dan is thrown through the windshield and lands harshly on the pavement. An ambulance is called and people begin to surround Dan to see it he's okay, however, he's unconscious.

Panic ensues.

A siren is heard in the distance and a paramedic rushes up to Dan.

"Love, I need you to relax and remain calm," she kindly explained as she placed a neck brace around his neck. She realized he was unconscious and called for a stretcher. A few paramedics lifted Dan's limp body onto the stretcher and into the ambulance.

"It's okay, sweetie, we're getting you to the hospital. We're going to help you," the paramedic explained. She didn't care that Dan was unconscious, she knew he could still hear her.

The paramedics began to give Dan CPR.

30 chest compressions and two breaths.

30 chest compressions and two breaths.

30 chest compressions and two breaths.

Until Dan's chocolate, brown eyes flicked open. The paramedics rolled him onto his side incase he needed to throw up. He coughed a few times, gaged and then vomited.

"We're almost at the hospital, stay calm honey," the paramedic said kindly and slowly.  "We're going to take your blood pressure and heart rate now, okay?"

Dan nodded.

His blood pressure was low and his heart rate was rapid.

"What's your name, dear?" The paramedic questioned.

"I- I- I'm Daniel Howell" he stuttered.

"Alright, Daniel, how old are you?"

"I'm twenty-six."

Dan's eyes began to close slowly and he struggled to breathe again. The paramedics placed an oxygen mask over his nose and mouth.

"Deep breaths, Dan. Focus on your breathing."

"It hurts," was all Dan could mange to say.

"It hurts to breathe?" The paramedic asked.

Dan nodded.

"We'll get that checked out when we get you to the hospital, okay."

Dan nodded. The ambulance arrived at the hospital and he was rushed in and he moaned in pain. The paramedics brought Dan into the building, where they were met by a team nurses and doctor by the name of Philip Lester.

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