Dentist Imagine for @tennisluver99

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If there are two things Daniel James Howell fears the most, it's falling in love and the dentist. These two things just happened to come together on one faithful day in London, England. He was on the way to the dentist for a check up and a cleaning. His mum accompanied him, to make sure he actually went. They arrived at the dentist office and the cool, fall air breezed past their necks as they entered the plain, tall building. Dan slowly opened the door and walked into the building. He signed in and filled out some forms, then he sat and waited for his dreaded name to be called. To his surprise, he was called almost instantly and he was taken back through a corridor of dental offices until, a kind, short nurse stopped in front of a room and told Dan to sit down in the horrifying dental chair. He gave in and sat down on the pale blue chair. About 10 minutes later an unfamiliar doctor walked in.

"Hello, I'm Dr. Lester," the dentist said, as he extended his hand toward the frightened Dan who was curled up in the chair. Dan reluctantly shook the dentist's hand.

"It's nice to meet you. You're probably wondering why I'm here. Your normal dentist, Dr. Jones, is on maternity leave," he explained.

Dr. Lester pulled up his stool and got his tools ready, or as Dan liked to call them, devices of torture. He washed his, large, pale hands and put on some light blue gloves, and a sea foam green mask. Dan gulped as the dentist got closer and closer to being ready. Finally, the dreaded sentence was spoken.

"I'm going to lay your chair back now," the doctor said calmly. "Could you lay down for me please?"

Dan slow shifted his body into the correct position on the chair and death gripped the blue arms of the horrible chair as the chair slowly reclined.

"Open please," Dr. Lester instructed kindly as he held the explorer and mirror above the quivering lips of Dan.

Dan refused to open. He shook his head and put his hand over his mouth. He felt bad, as he kinda had a crush on his dentist. But at the same time, he didn't feel bad at all. The dentist was trying to hurt him, right? There couldn't possibly be another reason for this horrid experience.

"Please, open for me. Don't worry, I'm not trying to hurt you, I'm just trying to see if there are any problems we need to take care of. Okay?"

Dan still wouldn't open. He had been having some pain throughout his entire jaw for a few weeks. He didn't tell anyone, but it was starting to become unbearable. He pondered for a little bit, but his thoughts were interrupted by Dr. Lester speaking again.

"Listen, it's going to be fine. There won't be any needles or drills, just these two little tools," he said as he gestured towards the mirror and explorer.

Dan took some deep breaths and then slowly opened his mouth cautiously.

"Thank you," the doctor praised as he picked up the tools and began to examine Dan's teeth. Dan squirmed in the seat but tried his best to stay still.

Dr. Lester continued the exam with no problem. Dan stayed still the whole time, as he had a major crush on the dentist and didn't want to disappoint him. When the doctor was done he sat up the chair and informed Dan that he would need to take some x-rays. He was concerned but just went along with it. The doctor took the x-rays and came back with them a few minutes later.

"I'm sorry to tell you, but you need your wisdom teeth out," Dr. Lester said after clearing his throat.

Dan froze. Thoughts raced through his head. He tried to be brave, but tears started to slip from his eyes.

"Calm down," Dr. Lester said comfortingly. "We aren't doing the procedure today."

Dan took some deep breaths and stopped crying. Dr. Lester gave him a moment to collect himself before sending him back out into the waiting room to set up an appointment to get his wisdom teeth out. His mum was reading a magazine in the corner. She stood up when she saw him and joined him at the reception desk. Dan made the appointment for two weeks from that day. He left the office with his mum. Dan made sure she could go with him and take him home after the procedure, as he would be on pain meds and it wouldn't be safe for him to travel home in a state like that.

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