Gene, y/n, and Zenix

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Your POV
That Zenix guy.
The way he looked at me.
No it can't be.
I just met him.
Well exactly I just met him.
I sat down at a desk near the back of the room.
"Miss l/n." The teacher said.
He motioned me to come to the front.
Plan failed.
The bell rang and the whole homeroom piled in and sat down.
They were talking a lot which made me a little more uncomfortable.
"Class, this is Y/n, L/n, she just moved here, y/n why don't you tell the class a little bit about yourself." My teacher said.
"Okay, hi." I said waving shyly.
"I'm y/n, I just moved here from c/n (city name). I'm 16. And I like skate boarding." I said.
I smiled at everyone.
I heard comments in between of
'She's hot'
'She's new, don't talk to her'
'She's cute'
'Hopefully she sits next to me'
"Miss y/n, can you sit in the middle of Gene and Zenix? Those two are getting into trouble all the time, so please I think you could do the job and stop their fighting?" He asked.
"Sure." I nodded smiling.
I sat down in between the two.
They earned a few glares.
"Okay class! Since this is homeroom, you can just talk." He said going on his computer.
There was an electric board behind him, showing us that he is playing the sims 4.
I giggled.
"What's funny?" This gene asked.
"He's playing the sims." I whispered.
"Oh..." Then gene looked up and started laughing at how ugly his sim is.
"Y/n." I said putting my hand out to shake his.
"Gene." He said shaking it.
"I already met Zenix this morning. I'm pretty sure he didn't know I was there when he was talking to me." I giggled trying to whisper to Gene.
"!" Zenix said.
Gene and I laughed.
"Hey, can we three hang out later, like go to the skate park or something??" I asked.
"Sure! It'll be cool!" Zenix said.
"Yeah, I'll come only to school you new girl." He laughed giving me a nickname.
"Please..'new girl' has been skate boarding since she could walk" I said.
"Okay, we'll test that after school." Gene said.
"Your on!!" I said
After school~
"You ready to be wowed?" I asked Zenix and Gene as I turned my hat backwards.
"Go, wow me." Gene said.
I started off by riding down the ramp and coming off up the side going into a squat like position and grabbing onto the board as I spun around.
Then I went again for a three 60.
I ended it off by doing a front flip off of the board and landing back on.
I got back to were Gene and Zenix was.
"How did I do?" I asked.
Gene's jaw dropped.
"H-how!?" He asked.
"TEACH US~" Zenix begged

~AG 8D



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