How can I choose?

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I was cut off by him kissing me.

Your POV
Gene and I parted from our kiss we had shared.
"G-Gene, why did you kiss me?" I asked wincing from the bruises.
"Like I said." He started, and brush a strand of hair behind my ear.
"I like you y/n, I like you a lot."  Gene said.

"But then, there's Zenix."

"Zenix?" I asked.
"Isn't it obvious?" Gene asked.
"Well obviously not." I said sitting at the nearest bench.
Gene sat next to me.
"He loves you Y/n."
I gasped and blushed.

I looked down at my feet.
"So your going to have to choose. Me, or Zenix."
He placed a kiss on my cheek. And left.
"Dammit!" I muttered and kicked the wall.
"Oww! Idiot!" I scolded myself.

"Calling yourself that isn't going to make the matter any better."
"Whose there?" I asked.

"Laurnace?" I asked.
He nodded.

"What's up?" He asked
"Oh nothing much, started my day of regularly, then got beat to the pulp by Sasha, kissed by one of my best friends, and found out the other one loves me, and now I have to decide which one I love." I said.

"Wow, sounds like a tough break." He said.
"Yeah thanks Captain Obvious." I said rolling my eyes.

He just chuckled.
"How can I choose Laurence? Their both so amazing! And I love them both!" I said.

"Y/n. Just let fate decide. It'll tell you the right decision." He said.
"Alright Laurnace." I said.
He smiled.
"Glad I could be of help to ya," he said and walked off.

Except you weren't.

Because I don't believe in fate making my decisions anymore.

I have to decide if I want Gene....

Or Zenix.

The Love Triangle (Zenix X reader X Gene) *SLOW UPDATES*Where stories live. Discover now