Why are you doing this to me!?

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Don't judge the song XD
Your POV
"NO! NO NO NO! I refuse!!" I said holding onto the tree at the park.
"YES! Y/n!! You have to!!" Gene said.
"BUT WHYYYY~!!" I cried.
"Because when we invited you to the park you promised you'd do whatever we wanted." Zenix said.
"I don't remember saying that." I said crossing my arms and closing my eyes looking to the other side where they weren't standing.
Zenix's flashback/explanation
"SOO y/n, wanna come to the park with us?" Zenix asked.
"What's the catch?" You asked.
"Do whatever we want." Gene said.
"HMmm okay!" She said
Present time
"BUT I THOUGHT YOU MENT SKATEBOARDING OR SOMETHING!!" I whined with my arms still crossed.
Zenix took this to his advantage and threw me over his shoulders.
"AAAAH PUT ME DOWN!!" I yelled.
"Not happening." He said.
"Y/N!!" Gene yelled.
Before I caught the glare he shot at Zenix.
It was kinda cute.
"Ah! I see you got your friend?" The photographer asked.
"Yup! We are ready for our junior pictures!" Zenix said.
"I'm not." I mumbled as gene put his hand over my mouth.
"We ARE all ready." He said.
I growled.
He chuckled.
Then the photographer told us to stand however we wanted.
I wanted to just stand next to eachother but NOO!
We all stood in a line facing each other's backs.
Zenix first, me second, gene last.
Zenix grabbed my wrists, and Gene put his hands on the sides of my face.
Gene started tickling me so I would laugh.
I was blushing at how it was all positioned.

When it was all over we got ice cream.
It was my payment.

I'm so sorry this chapter is probably the worst thing I've ever written.
Forgive me!!!
~AG 8D

The Love Triangle (Zenix X reader X Gene) *SLOW UPDATES*Where stories live. Discover now