Chapter 6

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Harry's P.O.V.~
Driving to school I couldn't stop thinking about my nightmare. It felt so real, almost as if it happened or might happen. I shook my head vigorously knowing I can't actually shake that nightmare out of my head. Turning into the school parking lot I saw gorgeous dark hair that one could simply not forget. I parked and got out of my car, but not before looking at myself in the mirror. When I looked into my eyes, my stomach started to feel uneased. Today wasn't going to be an ordinary day. Today was going to be a day I will never forget. It is either going to go really well or it is going to go all downhill from here.

I walked into my first period class with Gen and sat down. We were in a very deep conversation about a TV show when I hear my name called out. I look up and shock and terror flash across my eyes. "Harry Styles, this man is here to talk to you."  I slowly raised from my seat and walked towards the door. The whole class was staring at me but that was the least of my concerns. We were now in the hall staring at each other, just waiting for the other to make the first move.

A/N: hey guys!!! Well sorry that this is short I had the chapters written down but then I lost them. Please comment and vote

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2016 ⏰

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