Well, this sucks...

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  Waking up wasn't the most pleasant thing I'd done in the last few days. I almost wanted to stay asleep, where it was just my dreams and I...
  In a dream, everything can go rogue and off-schedule without any major effects. One minute I'm being chased by Gollum from Lord of The Rings, and the next I'm eating Mint Chocolate chip ice-cream with Lydia Martin.
  In Reality, everything can change cycle in the blink of an eye, but the storyline is always the same. All the pain, sorrow, betrayal, and even happiness can't be erased. You're born, you live your life, something terrible happens, and it will never change, then you die, whether care-free or troubled.
That's why it really sucks that I'm currently awake, and being held captive... I'm in a room, it's grey, there's a chair in the opposite corner. That's about all I can say...
Ok, but Seriously! Why am I in a corner? This shouldn't surprise you as much as it does... I'm not Seven, I don't need a time-out!
I'm cut off as a woman in a pristine white suit walks into the room. I don't like the look in her eyes, it's unsettling...
"Hello Stiles, Welcome to W.I.C.K.E.D."


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