5 : New Home

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~~ Delilah's POV ~~

"See? All places are too expensive or full!" I held the marked newspaper in my hand as Diego sat next to me and took a look at the other places.

Actually, Diego came to the library after my shift and helped me find some apartment for rent, because I couldn't sleep on the streets. I'm sure the fact that your family just disowned you and pretended you're dead doesn't leave you much choice.

I heard a couple giggles from behind. I peeked over my shoulder and noticed Theo and two of his casual workmates.

"You need a ride?" Theo asked me, his arm wrapped around one of them.

I shook my head. I'm not that helpless.

"You sure? I'll drop you home?" 

I tried to stop myself from telling him so I just shook my head again.

"I have company..." I said finally. Then, the two girls chuckled mockingly.

"I heard they were going out!"

"Weren't they like a thing?"

"Definitely a date!"

The two proud women continued whispering the common rumors to Theo, and I saw him cringe at the word "date". I could feel that jealousy created a fire in his dreamy ocean blue eyes.

I cringed too of course, how did it even look like we were together? Me with a criminal? 

When pigs fly.

"Is it true?" Was all he could reply with as he slipped his hands in his pocket, tightening his shirt against his chest.

I tapped on Diego's shoulder who was fiddling with a thread on his shirt sleeve. "Diego, that's Theo, a friend. Theo, this is Inder."

It couldn't be more awkward.

Diego and Theo exchanged a small half smile with boyish nods but nothing more. Diego turned back to me, and dangled a couple of keys in front of my face. "Let's go." 

I agreed in reply and we headed over to the front door to call a taxi to take me where he suggested was best. It was probably better than standing in a situation where tension rose beyond explanation.

We stopped at a large deserted house which was quite beautiful. The leaves flew across the driveway and the dry waterless fountain in the cool breeze of the evening. It was ancient but hauntingly stunning, I thought. It was almost like what I had imagined Juliet's home to look like.

I smiled. "It's beautiful."

He nodded and slipped his hands in his pockets, "You can say that once we've checked the inside." and turned the key to reveal the first floor.

It felt bare, but it wasn't. There was a lot of furniture which were draped in dirty white sheets to prevent the fungi. The windows where shut, but the dirt covered the panes and the white walls. There was a large bookcase, which I was relieved that this house had one, and a large sitting room and there was only one wall that covered a small kitchen. the corner, there was a winding staircase with a gold banister leading to the top floor, where there was a bedroom, bathroom and an empty storage room for old furniture and things like that. The bedroom had a large dressing table including the bed frame and a large wooden closet. It felt dull, but a little makeover could transform this house into a home, a sanctuary at best.

"It is beautiful." I repeated. I tried to lean in for a hug but I decided against it. "Thank you." I said, pursing my lips.

He nodded and handed the keys. "If you want, I can come by tomorrow and we can buy some groceries and stuff like that." He rolled up his sleeves, revealing his mysterious tattoos, which were as intricate as the house itself. 

I smiled. "Yes please."

I hesitated when he turned around. "But wait! Where's the real estate person? Or the previous owner?"

He chuckled. "Bye, Delilah."

He walked backwards towards the door but I could say that he didn't want to leave, but I let him leave anyway. He slammed the door behind him, and I was left with this house to take care of, so I just ate my stale lunch that mum had packed the day before yesterday. 

Oh well.


Hey readers!

QOTC: Created any ships already?

I'm very sorry for the short chapter! I just wanted the next day on the next chapter and I didn't want to keep you guys waiting! 

And I'm pretty sure I'm going to be using one of those covers too because they are seriously amazing!

You know the drill, vote and comment!

~ Imperfect Perfectionist ~


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