Over the past few months, I've been by my father's side, learning everything I could. He has loved teaching me too. Sometimes Faith would be with us when we visited my father's current movie set. She talked with some of the actors to get advice. I'm proud of Faith for not being shy. With the right support, she could get far in her career.
Me on the other hand, no one will give me a chance to direct anything. I have no credibility or experience. Faith is having the same problem. Everyone thinks we are only good as singers. The rest of my siblings are having better luck than us. Charles is working as a writer for our unofficial godfather, Marcus Wall, who owns Stars Records. He signed Mom's group. Marcus was more than happy to give Charles a job.
Miracle got an interview with a gallery for photographers. She's always out taking photos. I told her to stop stressing about it. Hope is booking jobs choreographing. I know she rather dances, but no one has chosen her in auditions.
"I have some good news for you two," Dad says when he comes into the office. He sits behind his desk.
"What is it?" Faith asks.
"I'm directing a movie coming up and I got you two working on it. Faith, you're the lead. Ben, you'll be co-directing with me," Dad answers.
Both Faith and I smile. "Really?" I ask.
Dad nods. "Shooting starts at the beginning of the month," he says. He hands us two scripts. "I highlighted your lines, Faith. Ben, go ahead and write ideas for each scene."
"Thank you, Scott," Faith says gratefully.
"The least I could do for you. And how many times do I have to tell you, you can call me Dad? Tell your mother I'll come downstairs in a bit."
Faith and I make our way to the dining hall. Everyone else is already there. We sit down. "Is that a script?" Charles asks.
"Scott got us a job on his next film," I explain.
"That's wonderful," Mom exclaims.
"When do you start?" Hope asks.
"The start of June," Faith answers.
"I'm really happy to hear that," Mom says.
I love Mom's attitude towards us now. She has encouraged us to keep pressing forward. It helps to have her support. "Where's your father?" Mom asks.
"He said he will be down in a bit," I tell her.
She nods. "We'll start without him. Bow your heads," she says.
"I think we should have that fair at night," Dad says.
"To give it a more romantic feel," I agree. "The scene where Tyson apologizes to Laurel, that could be in the rain."
"More dramatic," Dad agrees. "I like all of your ideas."I shift uncomfortably in my chair. "Are you okay?"
"What if I screw this up? I will never work as a director again," I say sadly.
Dad moves from behind his desk to touch my shoulder. "You'll do fine. Benjamin, you have the potential to be an even better director than me. Just don't stress about it. I'm going to be right by your side," he says assures.
I blow out air. "Okay," I say.
He smiles. "Good. Go tell Faith that the screen test will be held tomorrow."

I Love You No Matter What
General FictionFaith, Charles, Miracle, Ben, and Hope are the children of the famous singer Harmony Andrews. Harmony has trained her kids to be just like her all their lives. What happens when they start to find new talents? This family will have to learn the valu...