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Hi! New chapter! Updates may or may not be slower depending on my schedule. And right now it's busy, so it may be awhile.

And sorry for the 'Trying-to-use-British-English-In-My-Story-While-I'm-A-Bloody-American-Because-The-Boys-Are-British-And-Irish-And-I-Want-It-To-Sound-Like-Them' British English. I'm obviously not British (I'm American) and me using British English while I'm an American doesn't work. So if you're British, sorry if I misused words. Call me a carrot, whatever you want. x)

But thanks for reading. I'm excited to write this.

(If you've ever wondered if you could get feels writing your on fanfic, you can. THE FEELS x) !!)


-Gabie :)


Liam's POV

I slowly opened my eyes. I looked around the mysterious bed and room I was in. I saw different shelves of books. There were graffiti paintings that decorated the walls. There were also different picture frames with pictures occupying the inside.

Every picture had the same three boys. My kidnapper, a boy with brown hair and blue eyes, and another boy with curly brown hair and green eyes.

They dressed differently in every picture but they never aged, like they went to a number of costume parties with different themes.

This definitely wasn't my room.

I threw the blanket off of my body and climbed out of the queen bed. I walked downstairs to the sitting room. I saw the same three boys from the pictures.

I saw the same boy from last night. He had back hair that was styled into a quiff. He was wearing a leather jacket over a blue shirt with jeans.

The lad sitting next to him looked the same from the picture. He had curly brown hair that flowed his with green eyes. He wore a plaid shirt with jeans.

The other lad had brown hair styled into a quiff and blue eyes. He wore a denim jacket over a gray shirt and skinny jeans.

They saw me standing in the doorway and smiled. I walked in and sat on the couch.

The boy with blue eyes held out his hand. "Hello! I'm Louis Tomlinson," he introduced. I smiled and took his hand. "Liam Payne," I replied.

The boy with curly hair looked at me. "Hey. I'm Harry Styles," he said.

"Liam Payne."

I turned to the boy with black hair. He looked at me, biting his lip flirtatiously. He walked over to me and sat down on the couch with me. He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me closer to him.

"Hey. I'm Zayn Malik," he whispered into my ear.

"I think you know my name by now," I replied stubbornly.

"I do. Liam Payne. You look like a Liam. You are damn sexy," he whispered seductively. "Umm...thank you I suppose," I answered awkwardly.

I pulled away from him and moved over a little.

"Umm...where am I?" I asked.

"You're in a town ten minutes away from London," Harry simply replied.

"Can I leave? My mum and Niall must be really worried about me," I replied.

Zayn blocked the door, keeping me from leaving.

"Sorry Liam, but you're not leaving," Zayn said.

"What?" I asked.

"You're not leaving," he repeated. "Why?" I asked. "Once you realize things you don't want humans to know, it'll put you in danger," Zayn replied. "You're kidding," I told him. "Liam, he's right. There's things humans don't need and shouldn't know. Once you find out you'll be in danger," Harry replied.

"What's this thing that's so dangerous? You're murders?" I asked stubbornly. "We won't say yet," Louis replied.

I sat back down on the couch. "What am I suppose to do about my family and Niall?" I asked. "Well, what we want you to do is call one person, preferably your mum, and say you're never coming back. Tell them not to send out search parties and to not try to contact you. Tell them to accept the fact that you're gone," Zayn replied.

My eyes widened. "I can't lie to my family and my best mate like that!" I exclaimed. "You have to, or else your family and Niall will be killed," Louis simply replied. "You're exaggerating," I said again. Zayn walked over to me and got up close to my face, his face inches away from mine.

"Listen Liam. The people we're dealing with are serious. They're dangerous. If you find out the secret, you'll be in danger, and so will your family. If they find out who you're friends and family are, they will kill every single one of them to make your death that much more panful. They are heartless. You don't want to die especially if you watch your mum die at your feet. Liam, you don't have a choice."

Zayn stepped back and I could've sworn I saw his eyes flicker a dark red.

I sighed. There was no way I could win this fight. I gave in. "Alright. Can I use my phone?" I asked. They nodded. Zayn slid his hand into my pocket, took out my phone, and handed it to me. I slid my iPhone screen and was looking at the different apps. I went to my contacts app and pressed on my mum's number.

The phone rang and soon I heard a buzz on the other side.

"Hello?" I heard my mum say.

"Hi mum," I replied nervously.

"Liam thank goodness! Niall told me you didn't to the flat last night and I grew worried. Liam where are you?" She asked me.

"Mum...here's the thing. I'm....I'm....I'm not coming back," I stuttered.

She gasped. "Liam what are you talking about?"

"Mum something came up. I'm never coming back. Don't send any search parties and don't come and look for me. Don't try to contact me in any way possible. Accept the fact that I'm gone."

"Liam don't-"

"Mum please listen to me. Tell Niall I'm not coming back. Tell Ruth, Nicola, and dad that I love them. Please don't come looking for me. That's all I'm asking for. Please."

"Liam please don't-"

"Good bye mum. I love you."

I heard her scream as I hung up the phone in tears. I threw my phone at Louis and ran to Zayn's room. I slammed the door, fell on his bed, and cried.

I couldn't believe I wouldn't be able to see my family and Niall, ever again.

Louis' POV

Liam threw his phone at me, ran up the stairs, and cried.

The situation was so serious I didn't even think about feeding or blood at all, which is a normal thing for vampires to think of.

I looked at his back round picture and sighed. It was him and another blonde hair and blue eyed lad, who I was assuming was Niall. He was smiling with his tongue sticking out while Liam simply smiled. By the way the back round was, they looked like they were at a party.

It reminded me of the times with my sisters in the 1920's. When we'd go to parties, play games, and do silly things. The way it was before my mum and dad divorced, with my mum leaving with my sisters and leaving me with my dad. It's not that my dad was abusive, he just didn't care about m. He could care less about me if I starved and died.

And to this day, I still don't know if he really cared.

I turned my thought back to the blonde lad. The way his blue eyes sparkled and the way his smile could light up a room.

Bloody hell, blondie was damn sexy.

I shook my head.

Focus Louis.

"You think the blonde lad is attractive don't you?" Harry asked me, smirking.

"Your bloody mind reading Harry! Some things need to stay private!" I exclaimed. "It doesn't if it involves a lad," Harry replied.

If Zayn hasn't mentioned it yet, Harry and I are gay. We're all gay.

"Boys focus!" Zayn interrupted, irritated.

"Zayn you were a little harsh there," Harry said. Zayn turned to him. "You're lucky I haven't used my power on you yet," Zayn sassed. "It doesn't matter. We'll give Liam a day or two to settle in. He looked upset when he ended the call," I pointed out Harry and Zayn nodded.

"I'm going to go talk to him and try to comfort him. Then I'm going to his flat later to get his things," Zayn announced. Harry and I nodded will Zayn ran up the stairs, vampire speed.

I turned to Harry. "I haven't fed in awhile. Do we have any blood bags?" I asked Harry. "Yeah. Zayn just made a trip to a blood bank. They're in the freezer. If you're going to get a blood bag you should get me one too," he replied. I nodded and ran to the freezer and lifted the lid. I smiled when I saw a freezer full f blood bags. Zayn sure grabbed a lot.

I grabbed one for me and Harry and ran, vampire speed, back to the living room. I sat on the couch and put the blood bag in Harry's spot while he put in a movie. I ripped the top of the bag open and the smell of blood filled my nose. I felt my fangs appear and my eyes turn red as I drank the red liquid.

I saw Harry turn around with red eyes and his exposed fangs, wanting a sip of blood.

"What film Hazz?"I asked in between sips.

"My favorite. Love Actually," Harry replied.

I rolled my eyes. We always watch this film, but I didn't complain. I just sit and watch it every time.

Harry then grabbed his blood bag, ripped it open,and drank the red liquid.

Throughout the whole film, I couldn't help but let my human emotions get in the way.

I didn't even know blondie, and I was already falling in love with him. I wanted to meet him.

But right now, I couldn't help but feel bad for Liam.

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