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Hi! Sorry I took SO LONG to update! I was busy the first week with homework. And, of course, on Saturday I was at a friends house for 1D Day and a sleepover!

But...1D Day. How'd that go for all of you? Awesome for me I know!

And what about the AMA's? They won awards, they performed Story of My Life, and they group hugged!

Then there's Midnight Memories! I preordered it on iTunes and got it Sunday before midnight! It's amazing. What are your favorite tracks? Mine are Don't Forget Where You Belong and Strong!

So it was a good weekend to be a Directioner!

Then there was them being on GMA, which was awesome!

Long story short I died.

But enjoy the chapter. I tried to make it good and it is pretty decent. Next chapter will be up soon since I'm on Thanksgiving break.

Enjoy and Happy Thanksgiving!

- Gabie :)


Zayn's POV

It's been a month since Liam and Niall came to live us. When I said I wanted Liam to be mine forever, I really mean it now. Every day of my immortal life I was falling deeper and deeper in love with Liam. I loved how innocent and cute he was. We were good friends now but now I wanted him to be my boyfriend, officially.

I sat on the couch with with the rest of the lads. We were all watching a film at night after a day full of nothing. Louis picked it out and honestly, I had no idea what was going on. Liam sat on my left, cuddling into my chest while Louis and Niall were on the other couch cuddling. They were practically dating now. And then there was Harry who was sitting by himself, texting someone, smiling.

Liam rested his head on his chest as he snuggled as he fell asleep. Soft snores escaped his mouth as he drifted off and his beautiful eyes were closed, showing he was asleep.

The film ended and Niall and Louis walked upstairs to Louis' room to sleep. Harry followed behind them to his room to go to sleep. Liam fell asleep so I carried him, bridal styles, and ran to my room. I gently set him on my bed. I grabbed a pair of his sweats and put them on him, slipped off his shirt, and covered him with the blanket. I then changed my own clothes and climbed into bed with him.

I wrapped my arm around and pulled him closer to me. He stirred under my touched and moved to escape my arm. "Li it's just me," I gently whispered. He stopped moving and snuggled closer to me. I pulled him close and he moved to fit my body position.

"Liam, are you awake?" I asked. "A little," he replied, moaning. "Would you like to go on a date with me tomorrow?" I asked. I felt him flinch. "You mean it?" He asked. "Of course Li," I replied. "I'd love to go on a date with you," he told me. I smiled and let sleep take over me.


Liam's POV

I woke up, not in my bed, but in a different bed. The bed was a queen size, like mine. Different graffiti art projects were hanging on the shining cream walls. The sheets had matching cream sheets with another figure in the bed with me.

The figure had black, tousled hair. The long, black eyelashes curled as his known brown eyes stayed closed. His mouth was slightly open as a soft snore escaped his mouth. One of his perfect, tanned, arms was wrapped around my waist. I smiled at the attractive features. Zayn brought me to his room to sleep with him. It feels quite nice.

I wiggled my body a little but soon enough I saw his tan fingers twitch. His hand moved and rested on my stomach. His hand stirred again and soon enough if felt his hot breath on my neck.

"Morning Li," he whispered. "Good morning Zayn," I replied, escaping his touch and sitting up on the bed. "So are still going on that date today?" He asked me.

I smiled. He asked me on a date yesterday, and I couldn't be happier. I was falling in love with him, and I wanted to be his boyfriend. I was just hoping he felt the same way.

"When are we leaving?" I asked. He got up, stood up, and stood on front of me. "Not until this evening," he replied, smirking. "Do I need to wear anything nice?" I asked. "No. Just dress casual. You look best that way," he replied, smirking again.

He walked to his closet and quickly changed into a black t-shirt, dark jeans, and converses. He then walked to his personal bathroom and styled his hair. He came out with his hair styled into a quiff. His eyes sparkled a little more. He looked so attractive.

He started to walk towards the door, opening it. "Where are you going?" I asked. "To set up our date. I'll be back to pick you up," he replied, smiling. He closed the door on his way.

I sighed in admiration. He was willing to take time out of his day to plan a date, for me. I never asked if he even had a job or if he was in Uni.

I got up and walked to my room. I grabbed a white t-shirt, slipped it over my shoulder, and walked to the kitchen. I walked in to see Harry flipping pancakes.

"Hi Harry," I said. He turned to face me and smiled. "Hi Liam. How'd you sleep? I heard you and Zayn cuddled," he replied. I gave him a weird look. "I wouldn't call it cuddling...but how do you know?" I asked. His face turned bright red. His eyes widened and he looked away. "It was a...lucky guess...I guess," He replied, hesitating his words. I decided to get it go. I opened the refrigerator and grabbed the orange juice.I poured it into a cup and put the orange juice back.

I sat down and stared at the orange juice, shaking the liquid in the cup. "Did Zayn say where he was going?" I asked. "Nope. He wouldn't even tell me what or where your date is going to be. He's doing something special though. This is what he's done for other girls and boys he went on dates with," Harry replied.

I smiled and looked out the window by the table.

I heard footsteps come into the kitchen. I turned around to see Niall rubbing his eyes with Louis following him. But his eyes widened once he smelled the food Harry was cooking. "Pancakes?" He exclaimed. "Harry I love you!" Niall exclaimed while hugging Harry.

I glanced over at Louis. He had a look of jealously on his face. I looked at him and smirked. He ignored me and sat in the seat across from me.

Soon enough Harry was done flipping pancakes and we all sat down and ate.

"So what should we do today?" Louis asked. "I was thinking we could play video games today," Harry replied. "That'd be fun," I replied. "We might as well," Niall replied.

We all finished, put our dishes in the sink, and walked downstairs. Harry turned on the Wii and handed us all a Wii remote. He put in Mario Kart and we all started to play.


*6 Hours Later*

It's 5:00 and Zayn still isn't back yet. Harry, Niall, Louis, and I spent the whole day playing games but I didn't mind. We had fun, but it wasn't the same without Zayn.

Now we were sitting in the living room watching a little tv and playing board games. I'm pretty sure Niall and Louis were cheating on this game we were playing. Strangely they kept whispering to each other and they both had more money than me and Harry.

Suddenly, as the sun started to set, I heard the doorknob jiggle. The door opened and I saw Zayn standing there. He saw me and smiled. "Hi Zayn," I said. "Hi Li. Ready to go?" He asked. I looked at my sweatpants and white shirt. "I'm not exactly ready yet," I replied. "We'll be leaving in 30 minutes," he told me.

I smiled and ran up the stairs.

Just dress casual. You look best that way.

I smiled and decided to wear dark-washed skinny jeans, a white t-shirt that hugged my body, and white Supras. I then walked to my bathroom and looked at my messy brown hair. I combed through my hair until my straight, brown hair covered part of forehead.

I smiled then walked downstairs to the living room. Zayn saw me and gawked. His eyes widened as his mouth gapped opened. Niall, Louis, and Harry looked back and forth between us and smiled.

I looked over at Zayn. He was wearing the same clothes he was wearing this morning. Black shirt, dark skinny jeans, and black converses. His jet black hair was styled into a quiff. He looked amazing.

"Ready to go?" He asked. I nodded and he opened the door. "Have fun lovebirds!" Louis yelled as I walked out the door. Niall and Harry simply waved as Zayn closed the door.

He walked me out to his car. He opened the passenger door for me and I stepped in. He opened the door and got into the car. He started the engine and drove off.

"Louis' plain weird," I said. "Try knowing him for seventy years," I heard him mumble. "You're not seventy though...," I pointed out, my voice trailing off. His knuckles started to sweat and he bit his lip. "Umm...I meant seven years," he replied, stuttering. "You know Zayn, Harry talked the same way you just did this morning. Is something going on...?" I asked. "No...it's nothing. Don't worry about it," he replied a little too quickly. I decided to let it go and I stared out the window.

"Where are we going?" I asked. "Somewhere special. It's a place my mum and dad used to take me when I was little," he replied. "It's probably not a very fancy place because we're dressed casually," I pointed out. "You'll see," he told me, smirking.

I sighed and watched the trees go by.


Half an hour later, Zayn pulled into a park. He turned off the car and looked at me. "We're here," he said. I smiled and got out of the car.

I looked at my surroundings. The park had amazing trees with light green leaves and growing grass. There was a pathway with benches and couples walking and talking. A picnic area with tables and a playground where there were a couple of kids playing on it lit up the mood of the park. I was awed at everything.

"It's looks amazing," I said, looking around.

He grabbed my hand and smiled.

"Follow me."

I nodded and followed him. He walked down the cement pathway and took a slight left. He saw a dirt pathway and turned to walked onto it.

We walked a little awhile until I saw a view that was even better. There was a massive lake in front of me. The sunset reflected onto the water, creating a perfect sparkle of the water.

And right by the edge of the water, was a picnic blanket and basket.

"Zayn...is this it?" I asked. He nodded. "I did this for you," he replied. "I love it," I said, looking at all of it.

We sat down and he opened the picnic basket. Inside held everything for a picnic. There were sandwiches, grapes, potato chips, a few slices of cake, and chocolate strawberries.

"Zayn...you didn't have to do this. We're not really dating...," I pointed out. "It is a date, but I want to get to know you more. If I'm going to make you mine forever, the least I can do is know you more," Zayn simply replied.

He took out a chocolate covered strawberry and held it out to me. I happily held my tongue out as he put it on my tongue. I closed my mouth and tasted the sweet chocolate and strawberry.

"So Liam, tell me about yourself. What are your hobbies?" Zayn asked me, handing me a sandwich.

I thought for a moment. "Well, I box for a hobby and I sing a little. What about you?"

"Well...I do graffiti and spray paint art. Basically anything type of art. I also sing a little."

"Have you ever been in a relationship Li?"

"No. I was bullied for being gay. I knew it since I was twelve and that's when the bullying started. That's why I took boxing, to defend myself," I replied.

"You're gay?"

I nodded. "Are you?"

Zayn nodded his head.

"Zayn, Harry told me you planned dates for boys and girls. If you're gay, why did you date girls?"

"They were just flings. They were nothing to me. I never really found anyone. Until I saw you. Liam, when I saw you, it really was love at first sight."

"Zayn, I don't know what it's like to loved like that. What is it like?"

"It's like this. Let me show you."

Zayn pressed his lips against mine. His kiss was rough, but full of feeling. My lips were slow to respond but I slowly reacted and kissed back. I ran my hands through his hair as he wrapped his arms around my neck. He bit my lip, causing me to moan as he slipped his tongue inside. Our tongues fought for dominance as the kiss got heated.

I pulled away as Zayn looked back at me. I smiled. "I loved it," I told him.

He returned the smile. But suddenly, he looked up and looked around. He kept turning. "Zayn,what's wrong?" I asked. "Nothing. It's nothing. Liam, I need you to stay here. Don't go anywhere. If you need anything, scream for my name," he told me. I nodded and he walked off.

I sat on the picnic blanket and watched the sunset as I waited for Zayn. I knew something strange was going on. Zayn never talked like that since I met him. He seemed nervous...and scared. Zayn never looked scared, so something was going on.

I wish he was here watching the sunset with me.

Zayn, I need you here wi-

My thought was cut off when someone grabbed me by the neck. I screamed as he dragged me away.

"Zayn! Zay-"

The lad covered my mouth with his hand as he dragged me away. I struggled for him to get off of me but he was too strong. "Liam Payne, I suggest you calm down, shut up, and stop struggling before I drink every single drop of your blood in our body, and need I say it smells delicious," he warned. "Artie you can't use that excuse. Stan specifically said to grab and bring Liam to him, alive," another lad said.

I screamed and tried calling for Zayn, hoping he would hear me.

Zayn wherever you are I need you. I need help.

"Where the bloody hell are you taking him?" I heard a voice growl.

We turned to see Zayn with...red eyes and fangs...what?

"Let. Him. Go," Zayn growled.

"Zayn. Zayn Malik. It's been years since we killed your pathetic parents and left you here to live. Here we are looking at the last remaining member of the Malik line. Now how's that been going for you?" The other lad asked.

"Kyle, it's your pathetic son of a family that did this to me. I plan on keeping the Malik line alive. It's what my mum and dad wanted. I'm not letting you and the Insiders ruining the supernatural world," Zayn sneered.

"Oh, and look what we found Zayn. It's your little blood bag. How does his blood taste? It smells delicious. And I would love to taste it, but Stan needs him alive," the lad hold me said, pushing me around a little to taunt Zayn.

"Artie, He's not my blood bag. He's my...friend. And I swear on my life if you hurt him, I will murder you," Zayn growled.

Artie let me go and threw me to the ground, harshly.

I looked up at the lads that tried to kidnap me. Artie looked to be about twenty, which was about Zayn's age. He had spiked brown hair and green eyes. He had tan skin and was quite fit. So he looked a little like Harry.

Kyle had tousled, blonde, hair and brown eyes, and looked to be the same age, twenty. He was really pale and had a lot less muscle than Artie. They looked like they didn't have any happiness, just anger and lust. It scared me.

I tried to crawl away but I was terrified of everything that was going on.

"Stay. Away. From. Him," Zayn growled. I flinched. I never heard Zayn talk like that. "Or what?" Kyle asked threateningly as his brown eyes started to turn red and fangs started to appear. "This," Zayn said before grabbing Kyle and holding him against a tree.

Artie held my neck and glared at me. His eyes turned red and his fangs started to grow. "Do anything and I'll kill Zayn," he threatened. I shakily nodded, agreeing with him. He let me go. He threw Zayn off of Kyle and threw Zayn to the ground.

I saw Zayn look at me with red eyes and fangs, giving me a weak smile and a sympathetic look.

And everything went black.

Zayn's POV

Artie and Kyle's eyes turned red as they exposed their fangs. The one time they decide to come hunt me down is the day I decide to take Liam on a date. Great.

I growled and looked at Artie and Kyle. "Stay. Away. From. Him," I growled. "Or what?"Kyle asked threateningly. "This," I said before grabbing Kyle and holding him against a tree.

I caught a glimpse of Artie holding Liam and whispering something to him. He looked scared and innocent, not knowing what to. He nodded and Artie let go of him. Artie then ran over to me, grabbed me, and threw me to the ground. I looked over to Liam, giving him a weak smile and a sympathetic look. He suddenly passed out. I sighed and would kill Artie and Kyle for ruining our date.

"Look at this. Zayn Malik. The strongest vampire alive, and now I have the opportunity to kill him. And now I have his precious blood bag. It is a good day to be an Insider," Artie taunted while Kyle stood over me.

"Think again," I said as I threw Artie off of me. I ran off and hid behind a tree. I knew I had to keep them away from Liam, but how could I fight two Insider vampires.

Oh Liam, my poor Liam. I knew I had a lot of explaining to do later. I hope he understands.

Suddenly, I thought of a plan. I saw Kyle sneaking around, trying to find me. I ran, vampire speed, towards him. I grabbed his neck and snapped it, temporarily. He fell to the ground and stared at him.

"That's what happens if you hurt the ones I love," I growled. I walked around and tried to find Artie.

Suddenly, I felt something stab me. I screamed and fell to the ground. I felt my stomach and I saw blood on my hands. I saw Artie hold a rod of platinum. My eyes widened. "Wow, platinum. The one weakness of a vampire. Too bad, I haven't killed you yet. Should I do that now, or should I take your blood bag, leave, and never come back? Leaving the last Malik vampire alive, but suffering?" He asked, throwing the rod of platinum in the air and catching it.

I felt anger boiling up inside me. The wound healed but I still acted like I was hurt. "Liam isn't a blood bag. He's more than that. He's mine. My...boyfriend," I growled I grabbed the rod and threw him against a tree.

He stumbled but I ran over to him and held him against the tree.

"I'm not killing you, but I hope you rot in hell," I said. He widened his eyes as I snapped his neck.

I let him go and had him drop to the ground.

I looked over to Liam. He was shaking and crying in his sleep.

I sighed with sadness. "I'm sorry you had to see that Li. I'm taking you home, and I'm never letting you out of my sight."

I picked him up, bridal style, and ran to my car. I put him in the passenger seat, put on his seatbelt, and closed the door. I then climbed into the driver seat, turned on the car, and drove off.

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