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Hello! This is the last chapter in Mine Forever. So, this is basically the epilogue. It's kinda short so I apologize for that. I hope you like it though.

Last Ziam GIF of this book. >>>>


- Gabie :)


Third Person POV 

Zayn woke up from his nap and looked over to Liam, who was still sleeping by his side. Liam was squirming and shifting his body in his sleep. Assuming Liam was having a nightmare, Zayn wrapped his arm around Liam's back and pulled him closer and started to rub soft circles on his back. It was then when Liam calmed down.

Zayn sighed and gaze at Liam's features. His newly cut hair fell softly on his forehead. His soft, pink lips were parted so soft snores could escape his mouth. His soft, tan skin was free of wounds from the war.

Suddenly, Liam started to shift. His eyes started to slowly flutter open. He yawned and his eyes fully opened. Zayn smiled when he saw Liam's beautiful brown eyes.

"Good morning sunshine," Zayn smiled, placing a soft kiss on the tip of Liam's nose. Liam smiled and giggled. "Good morning to you Zaynie," Liam replied. "How are you feeling? Are you feeling okay?" Zayn asked. Liam thought for a moment. "Hungry. For blood," he replied.

Zayn moved the blanket that was covering them. "Let's go get you a blood bag then. Hopefully Niall didn't drink all of them," Zayn said, helping Liam out of bed. "Is he still having that uncontrollable hunger?" Liam asked, worried.

"Yeah. It's been an excessive hunger. It should only last a day or two but it's been three days. Ethan and Josh are trying to figure out what's wrong. But what we do know is that you're human traits travel with you when you become a vampire," Zayn explained.

"So if Niall liked eating before, and he's drinking more blood bags now, maybe it's because he liked eating before," Liam suggested. "Exactly," Zayn agreed. 

Liam nodded and Zayn walked out of their room and walked downstairs to their blood bag refrigerator. Zayn stepped away from Liam and went to open the fridge and took out a blood bag for himself and Liam and closed the refrigerator door. Zayn turned around to face Liam, who's eyes were already starting to turn red and his new vampire fangs started to slowly grow in.

Liam's face then started to grow angry and he ran to Zayn, vampire speed, and tried to tackle him. Zayn knew what this was. Liam was letting the blood thirst get to his head. His mind was on one thing and on one thing only: blood.

"Liam, calm down," Zayn tried telling him. "No Zayn! I'm hungry. And. I. Need. Blood. Now," Liam growled. "Li please calm down. I don't want to hurt you. The blood thirst is getting to your head. Calm down," I told him.

Liam suddenly stopped. He realized what was happening, his reaction and how he reacted to something like blood. He slowly backed away. "Oh god. Sorry Zaynie, I-I just don't know. I saw blood and I just lost control and I just-"

"It's ok Li. It happens. Some new vampires experience something like this. You just have to learn to have self control," Zayn explained. "But what about Niall?" Liam asked. "He just has natural self control. He's just excessively hungry," Zayn explained.

"Can I drink some of that blood now?" Liam asked. Zayn smiled and nodded. "Yes Let's go to the living room."  Zayn suggested. 

They walked to the living room and sat on one of the couches, cuddling. Zayn gave Liam a blood bag and kept one for himself. Liam opened his and quickly drained its content while Zayn slowly drank his.

The same screams filled the air as Zayn realized Liam was, also, teething his new vampire fangs. It took a moment for Zayn to comfort Liam but soon enough the pain in his jaw went away and it didn't take long for Liam to drain another blood bag.

To Liam's dismay, blood tasted nothing compared to what he thought it would be. At first the thought of blood made Liam want to throw up his insides (because he knew blood tasted disgusting to a human), but once Zayn pulled those blood bags out of the refrigerator, those disgusting thoughts went away. The aroma smelled like the most delicious cake ever baked. And that's when Liam lost control, and he knew it. But to him, he didn't care.

He wanted that one thing in front of him: blood. 

To his dismay that's what Liam was scared of most when he became a vampire: losing control.

"So...how's being a vampire so far Li?" Zayn asked. "All I can think about is blood Zayn," Liam flatly replied. "That's normal Li, and remember, you wanted this, but now I get to keep you forever," Zayn replied, kissing Liam's cheek.

Liam smiled. "I would give up being a human being any day to be with you. I love you so much Zayn."

Zayn smiled back. "I love you too Liam." 

Zayn then grabbed Liam's chin and pressed his lips to Liam's. Liam was quick to respond and kissed back as he wrapped his arms around Zayn's neck. Liam could feel Zayn smile against his lips and wrapped his arms around Liam's waist, pulling him closer. It was a short kiss but it had more feeling than any of their snogging sessions.

They pulled apart and rested their foreheads on each other's.

"You're mine forever," Zayn told Liam with a huge grin on his face. 

"I'm honored to be yours forever," Liam replied. 

They stopped and stared at each other, as if that moment could last...



The end. Thank you to all the readers that stayed with me throughout the entire book. I really love all of you. 

And (secret shhh) there might be a sequel to this book. It depends on how many of you want one. Or if I just write one for pleasure. You never know!

And I also have plenty of other ideas for books like this. So stay tuned. 

Thank you!

(Sorry the epilogue was kind of short.) 

- Gabie :) 

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