Auslly-The New Girl Part 2

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Austin P.O.V

Right now I'm with Dez, Trish and the new girl doing Romeo and Juliet. We split into two pairs Dez and Trish and Ally and I. Dez and Trish really like each other so they need to make the relationship happen and that is now. They juat finished reading out the script and now are kissing. They kissed for five whole minutes without breathing and Ally and I gave them feedback.

"It was really good guys. Your chemistry is fantastic and that kissing scene was full of passion. Thats ad A coming to you." Ally says.

"Great guys, You two shy little lovers go out before I plan a date for you." I say.

"Tuesday. 5pm. The beach. be there" Trish says and Dez nods in agreement .

Ally and I looked at each to begin our part but we just kept looking at each other and starting leaning in and into we kissed. When we kissed I felt millions of sparks. Kissing Ally was far better than kissing Kira or that cheerleader I dated in the sixth grade. I know I've only known her for a day but I really like her and I know she likes me because she is kissing me back. After what felt like forever it had been 10 minutes and Dez and Trish split us apart.

"Wow guys would think you're always known each other" Dez said cheerfully and Ally and I laughed. He's funny and Trish smirked and kissed Dez and so I kissed Ally again and we carried on doing that all night.

Short I know but oh well. Sunday will be a trez one shot. I feel as though I haven't written one forever

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