Make or Break

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She had told Austin everything. And while it didn't solve all of her problems, it certainly made everything feel better. Ally breathed in the November air. It was still considerably warm, but winter was on the way. The peaceful quiet of the grove was interrupted when her phone rang loudly with a text. 

Austin sat upright in surprise, and Ally couldn't help but laugh at his expression. His cheeks were tinged slightly pink with embarrassment. Ally pulled her phone out of her pocket and read the text, which turned out to be from Trish, wondering if she was okay.

Ally replied with a yes, then glanced at the time and realized how long they'd been at the park. "Oops...if I'm not there to close up the store in twenty minutes, I'll be in big trouble," she explained to Austin, standing up. He nodded and rose to his feet as well. 

"I'll come, too," he said, then decided that sounded too imposing. "I mean, if you want me to-"

"Don't be ridiculous, of course I want you to," Ally cut him off, rolling her eyes. The two of them walked back through the trees the way they had come, and down the street towards the mall. She slipped her hand into his. 

As soon as they walked through the door of Sonic Boom, Trish ran up to Ally. "Are you okay, girl? You ran off so fast and I didn't know-"

"Trish, thanks, but I'm fine, honestly. Austin was able to cheer me up." A strange look came over Trish's face. She backed away slowly.

"Oh, well, then...that's great," she murmured. Ally frowned as Trish backed away, then shuffled out the other door. 

"Huh. I wonder what her deal is. Anyways, I gotta lock up." Ally strolled behind the desk and grabbed  her key ring. Locking the door, she continued to speak to Austin. "I'm so excited for your performance in Times Square!" Austin had almost forgotten, but a smile appeared bright on his face. 

"I still can't believe it! It's like my dream come true!" he exclaimed. Ally grinned at him. "It's so awesome when my friends are happy," she laughed. "But my dad likes me home before nine on school nights, so..." 

"Like I said before, hopelessly good." Austin teased. Ally playfully shoved him. 

"Goodnight, Austin," she said, as they walked outside through the back door.

"See ya tomorrow."


"Ally!" Mr. Dawson exclaimed the next morning. "Get out of bed and come downstairs now." Ally groaned and sat up. It had to be early; her dad hadn't left  for work yet. She deliberately made her way down the steps at the end of the hall. 

"Morning, dad," she murmured sleepily. 

"Ally Dawson, we need to have a serious talk." His words were angry, and they pulled her from her tired daze. 

"Oh, uh, what's wrong?" she asked nervously. 

"This," he said loudly, causing Ally to flinch, "is what's wrong." He opened his laptop and typed something into the search bar, then turned the screen towards her. Oh no...

It was the video. Her dad's face was red with anger. "You, young lady, are sixteenMuch to young to be kissing any boy, even if it is Austin Moon!"

"I'm sorry dad, it's not like I planned it or just happened! But I know I should have told you."

"No, what you should have done was be responsible enough so that it didn't 'just happen', and you never would have had to tell me anything!" he sputtered. 

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