Just Okay

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"Thanks for coming out here today, everybody! We've raised a lot of money for a good cause!" Austin said in a rush as soon as the song ended, proceeding to bolt offstage.

Well, now Ally would have the advantage of saying "I told you so." Although knowing her, she was probably too nice to do that.

He set his guitar down, waiting for Jimmy Starr to pull the curtains aside, and snap his dreams in half.

Ally came in first, breathless. She wasn't angry, like he thought she'd be, but her eyes were indeed telling him so. "He'll be here soon, you know. The crowd will slow him down a little, and I think I saw a couple of reporters, too, more distractions...but he is coming. And he's not happy." Austin nodded grimly. Looking at Ally, he noticed how bad she was feeling.

Tears were threatening to drip from her eyes, though she was trying to hide it. She swallowed hard, and took his hand. "Do-" she coughed, trying to cover her voice from breaking off. "do you want me to stay here with you? This is partially my fault..."

Austin had a feeling she didn't really want to have to watch Jimmy basically fire him. She had worked just as hard as he had to get this far. He didn't want to make her see it all come crashing down, it would break her heart.

He shook his head. "It's not your fault, Ally. And if you really want to, you can leave. This...this is something I should face by myself."

She wrapped her arms around him. She was no longer trying to hide the fact she was crying, he could feel his shoulder becoming wet with her tears.

But when she broke apart from him, her eyes were no longer upset. They were full of gratitude, and determination. She gripped his arm a little tighter, looking him straight in the eye.

"Austin. Listen to me. It's going to be okay."

It wasn't the same as the other times she'd said the same words. Before, she was only trying to comfort him, she had no idea. Now, she was dead serious. She meant every syllable, believed it so deeply.

Austin so badly wanted to believe it himself.

Ally peeked her head around the curtain. "Ooh, I'd say you have like three minutes. I'll call you, kay? Or meet you in the practice room, I don't care. But you know I'm there for you."

"Yeah. I do know." She dashed off in the opposite direction. And he was on his own again. Just waiting for his career to be cut. Dread filled every inch of him.

Jimmy burst backstage.

"Austin," he said. His voice was eerily calm.

"Oh...hey Jimmy."

"I get the feeling that you didn't raise all of that money for the Girl Scouts." Austin sighed. No matter what he said, he knew he was already in too deep to get out of the mess.

"No, I didn't. I raised it for Sonic Boom. So they could rent out the space you were hoping to take." Jimmy nodded.

"I figured. I'm going to be straight with you Austin. I can't keep you signed to my record label if you're going to help the other side so much. But I'm being nice, I'm giving you a choice. You can either give the money to Starr Records, and keep the contract. Or you can give the money to Sonic Boom."

It was the hardest decision of his life, though he didn't want it to be. He felt bad about almost choosing to give all of the money to Jimmy. He'd worked so hard for this...and it would all come crashing down. He didn't want to choose. But he knew he had to. He closed his eyes and winced.

"Sonic Boom." He opened his eyes and watched in horror as Jimmy pulled two things out of his pocket. His record deal contract, and a cigarette lighter. Four seconds later, everything he and Ally had worked for, for the last two years, was a pile of ash on the ground.

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