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Tris's POV

"You're late." Four says, first thing as I walk into the squad room.

I look down at my silver and navy watch on my wrist, "Only by two minutes." I say, hanging things in my locker.

"How long have you been here?" I ask, seeing that it seems like he's been here far longer than he should be. Cups that once held coffee spread out on his desk, hinting that he's been here before dawn.

"Since three."

"This morning!?" I exclaim, taking a seat at my desk. Slipping my grey sweater off leaving me in a navy long sleeved shirt, and jeans.

"Yes." Four says not even looking at me.

"Why?" I ask, logging into my own computer.

That's when Four chooses to look up at me, and shoot me a nasty look.

"You ask too many questions." He tells me, looking back down at his papers.

I roll my eyes, "I asked like three questions."

"Yes, three too many." Four responds, and he's definitely in a mood this morning.

"Are you going to be like this all day?" I ask, crossing my arms and leaning back in my chair.

"Are you going to be like this all day?" Four asks, rudely coping what I had said.

"Someone's an ass this morning." I mumble under my breath, and even though I know Four heard me he doesn't say anything.

"Eaton, Prior." Captain calls as he walks towards us, handing a sheet of paper.

"It's a fresh one, Eaton you take lead." He tells us, and we get up.

Four walks ahead of me, getting out the door fast and into the car even faster. The ride is silent and thankfully short.

Pulling over to park, we can already see the yellow tape blocking off one of the brown brick houses. And the number or police cars, and patrol officers surrounding it.

Getting out of the car we walk towards the scene, flashing his badge Four and I walk straight in.

What we're met with in the living room is definitely something that I don't want to see this early in the morning.

An older man-probably late forty's or early fifty's--  laying on the floor in his own pool of blood that has already begun to soak into the cream carpet.  His head completely bashed in, his face almost unrecognizable.

Who I'm guessing is the Medical Examiner crouches beside him, gather any DNA off him, and anything that can help identify who he is.

"Nita." Four nods towards the M.E., who looks up at him.

"Four. You must be Tris." She says, then looking to me.

"What can you tell us?" He asks, taking a closer look at the victim.

"Blunt force trauma to the head, and his back as well. Died due to the extensive injury to his skull."  Nita explains.

"Rigor's set in so, my guess to when he died is less than twenty four hours ago. I might get a more supported answer once I get him back to my lab. And I'll know for certain the C.O.D when I open him up, and take a better look at his head." Nita explains.

"Murder weapon?" Four asks, standing up and looks around the room while listening.

Nita stands as well, grabbing her bag. "C.S.U. hasn't found anything yet, but to me it looks like some sort of bat or pole."

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