Chapter Two: Lilac

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  I was immediately entranced. The school looked so grand! It's hard to believe that me, Violet Mathers, would be training to become a huntress here for the next four years! I walked in to the auditorium, ready for the entrance speech. The famous Professor Ozpin was standing at the front, with Glynda Goodwitch standing next to him. I looked around, looking for Velvet. A couple of yards away I saw her. "Velvet," I whispered to her. She turned towards me and came over, bringing a girl with her. The girl appeared to be several years younger than me, but somehow I knew she was my age.

"This is Lilac," Velvet whispered to me. Lilac had light purple and blue streaked hair. She had brown eyes and dark purple shorts. Lower down her legs she was wearing long, mid thigh length black socks and white tennis shoes. She was also wearing a white jacket with green sleeves.

"Hi! I'm Lilac. Nice to meet you!" Even though she talked politely and stuck out her hand to shake mine, I could tell she was very energetic. I shook her hand. Just as I did, the crowd noise started to die down as the lights dimmed slightly. Ozpin started to speak.

"Greetings, future hunters and huntresses. You all know why you are here. We have seen the potential in every single being in this room to be a hunter or huntress. From our youngest to oldest students in this school, we see potential in every one of you. And that's why you are here today." He continued his speech, but like with most things, I tuned it out. He handpicked us? He picked me?? He sees potential in me??? These words are hilarious. I'm a good fighter, but not BEACON good. I mean come on, half of these people have been training their whole lives. I only went to fighting school since I was in sixth grade. That's when I transferred to Petal.

I zoomed back in on Ozpin, who was finishing his speech. "...and that's why I chose you." A huge round of applause came from the audience. I clapped as well. He left the stage, and we were dismissed by Glynda. I walked out with Velvet and Lilac.

"Oh my gosh, this school is just the best," gushed Lilac. "I mean, everyone is so nice! And I only know a few people! I bet even the food here is amazing. That reminds me, did I eat lunch? I didn't! Gotta go guys bye see you tonight!" she called to us as she ran away.

"That Lilac," I sighed. "Velv, she seems like the perfect partner for you!"

"Yeah, she kind of does." Velvet was staring into the distance.

"What is it?"

"I think you've passed the nervous bug to me." She sighed.

"Come on Velvet, let's go get our stuff." I grabbed Velvet's arm and pulled her over to the luggage merry-go-round. Eventually, our bags came up. We were told to bring our bags to the gym and to lay our sleeping bags out where we wanted to sleep. The gym was set up like a sleeping quarter. The room was divided in half, half for the boys and half for the girls. Me and Velvet laid our sleeping bags down by each other.

"We still have about 2 hours before we need to report back here," I said, looking at my watch. "Want to go explore a bit?"

"Sure! I might as well get used to this place!" Velvet exclaimed. We walked around the school for two hours, Velvet stopping to ooh and aah at everyone's hair and outfits. When we got back, it was 6:50. We had to report to the gym by 7:00 and lights out was at 10. I guess it was so the students could bond, but all I was going to do was listen to music and read. I was still too nervous to socialize much.

I changed into my pajamas. I had a pair of pajama shorts and an old Petal t-shirt that fit like a crop top now. I grabbed my book and crawled into my sleeping bag as people started to trickle in. There were a lot of students. It looks like they were being ushered in by someone, probably Glynda. I've heard that lady has some serious OCD, with her semblance being telekinesis and all. After about 5 minutes, pretty much everyone was in pajamas. There were a couple of clumps of sleeping bags where people were talking loudly. I put my earbuds in and blasted music. About 5 chapters later, I was tapped on the shoulder.

"Can I sit here?" a girl asked me. She had orange yellow eyes and a short black robe. In her hair was a bow. She was holding a book and looked tired.

"Sure." She set her sleeping bag next to mine and we both read for a little while. About three more chapters later, she tapped my shoulder again.

"Hey, what's your name?"

"I'm Violet Mathers. What's yours?"

"I'm Blake Belladonna. So I'm assuming you're a bit of an introvert too?"

"No, I'm just nervous." She glared at me. "Well, I guess a bit. What book is that?"

"Oh, it's just Ninjas of Love." She bookmarked her book and I did the same.

"So why are you wearing that bow? It looks a bit uncomfortable to be wearing while sleeping."

"Oh, uh, because I like it." She was obviously lying, but I didn't push it. The lights started to turn off and people returned to their sleeping bags. For a while, people were chattering softly. Eventually, everyone had quieted down and I was able to go to sleep.

I put Blake in now! This is a bit different from what happened, but still a bit the same. Blake did go read! Anyways, comment what you thought and vote if you liked it! Thanks for reading the second chapter of VLET! Peace!

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