Chapter Three: Emerald

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I woke up with the taste of hair in my mouth. I sat up abruptly and heard a muffled scream. Velvet's ear was in my mouth. I yanked it out. "Velvet, what are you doing?"

"Trying to wake you up to ignore the morning traffic," Velvet said. "Unfortunately, my good deed has been repaid with pain." She dramatically sniffed.

"Oh you." I sighed and grabbed my clothes. I grabbed my toothbrush and walked over to the changing rooms. In there, there was one girl who was half dressed. Her back was to me at the moment. My big fat mouth decided that the best time to cough was right then. She jumped up and turned around.

"H-hi, um..." The girl looked like she was trying to guess my name.

"Violet. Violet Mathers." I stuck my hand out for her to shake. She still looked terrified. "Sorry for scaring you."

"It's okay, I'm Emerald," she mumbled, and turned around to continue getting dressed. I went to the next set of lockers over and got changed into the same thing as yesterday. Quickly, I got dressed. I walked over to the mirrors and brushed my teeth. Then, I put a bit of mascara and lipstick on. I wanted to look nice today. I stuffed my pajamas in a duffel bag I had then I went to the cafeteria. I got a couple of pancakes and some bacon and I sat down at the table where Velvet was sitting. There were a bunch of people in the cafeteria. At one table a girl with black hair, one with yellow hair, and Blake were sitting. There was also a girl sitting on the end of the bench that had white hair. I recognized her. She was Weiss Shnee, from the Shnee Dust Company. Great. Now I would be competing with celebrities too.

"Hey Violet," Velvet said. She sounded very excited. She was also wearing the same thing as yesterday.

"Hi Velvet," I said, pushing my pancakes around on my plate. Suddenly, I didn't feel very hungry. Velvet noticed that I wasn't eating.

"You need to eat," she said. "Initiation is today. It determines your whole Beacon experience. Today groups will be picked and partners will be set in stone. You need all the strength you can get." Velvet shoved a piece of bacon in my mouth.

"Hey, you're not wearing your beanie!" I exclaimed.

"Well, there are plenty of other faunus' in this school. I'll probably be a bit more accepted then I would at home." She smiled, looking happy to finally feel like she can fit in. Velvet has always been teased for being a faunus. In fact, I'm basically the only person she's not shy around. Velvet usually acts a bit more like me when I'm shy, never wanting attention and hiding in the background. I'm happy that she's finally let her beautiful rabbit ears shine.

"Hey guys!" I turned around to see Lilac coming over here with her tray. It was piled high with waffles, whipped cream and sprinkles. Surprisingly, I wasn't surprised. "Did you sleep well? I slept amazingly! I had a dream where I found a Grimm made of waffles and whipped cream and sprinkles, so I knew I had to make my vision come true. Speaking of Grimm, have you ever fought a Grimm? My aunt is a huntress and she fights Grimm all the time. My aunt is also an accountant..." People started to come in to the cafeteria. Eventually, it was chock full of people yelling and eating.

"...and that's why I will never go sky diving again!" Lilac smiled proudly as she finished her ramble.

"I slept just great," Velvet said. I can't believe Velvet actually caught up with her. We finished breakfast with a bit of small talk, but mostly eating. Later that day, we had to report back to the place where Ozpin gave us his speech. There were numbers assigned to everyone. In total, there were 20 groups of 16 students. I was in the third group, along with Velvet. We smiled and looked at each other. We were in the same group!

Everyone was taken to the bus that had their number on it. I sat next to Velvet and listened to music on my iPod. This initiation test determined everything! I was chewing on my lip almost the whole ride. We finally got to where the initiation would be taking place. The people there, lined up on stone plates in this order were, Velvet, some turtle looking guy, a guy with white eyes, a girl with sunglasses, a guy with blonde hair, Weiss, Blake, Me, Emerald, the black haired girl in red, a girl with bright red hair, the girl with yellow hair, Lilac, Lie, a girl with ginger hair, and a girl with teal hair. Ozpin explained the grouping to us.

"Your initiation test is to find an ancient relic and bring it back up here. The first person you make eye contact with will be your teammate. Good luck."

"When does it start?" asked the guy with blonde hair.

"Now," Ozpin said. Velvet was launched into the woods off the metal plate. One by one we were launched, about five seconds apart.

"Good luck," Blake whispered to me as she was launched off. Five seconds later I was flying through the air. Initiation had officially started.


Yay! Another OC introduced! I can't wait to introduce the last member that will be in Team VLET! Anyways, here it is! Comment your thoughts on this chapter and vote if you liked it! Thanks for reading chapter 3 and peace!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2016 ⏰

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