Societys Lock

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I wake up in a jail cell. How could this have happened to me? I just wanted to be with my friends. They were the most amazing people I've met in awhile. They were the only people who seemed to accept me for who I was. Not my tattoo.

Everyone is born with a tattoo. Me, I was born with a diffrent tattoo then my parents, So I was put in foster care with everyone else who was born with ones diffrent from their patents. I never knew why these were so important. Who cares who has what on their wrist? It's not like they define who we are or how we are. I u should start from the beginning.

How it all started:

My name's Amelia or Mia as I rather be called. I'm 16. I was born in The Orange District but was sent to the Red District after they found out my tattoo was different then my parents. I never got to know them before getting shipped off to Mrs.Daphnes Foster home when I was born. She raised me to accept people nomatter who they are. I loved her. She was like a mom to me but she died when I was 12, from then on I was alone. I mean I had my friend Lauren but she would rather hang out with Michelle and Sammy, the two most uptight girls in this whole place. They hated me from the start and I never knew why.

" Hey look everyone its Snia reading again like always. Do you ever do anything else? " Said Michelle

"Yeah I do. I contemplate how I'm gonna shave your head in your sleep you little stuck up bitch" I said as I close my book

" Watch how you talk to me you little cunt I will destroy you" Said Michelle

I go to walk outside and am spotted by Lauren

"Why do you always have to fight with them? Why can't you ever get along?" Said Lauren

"Why would I want to get along with them? They think there better then everyone else but there suck here for the same reason as all of us are"I say walking away.

When I get outside I see them taking another kid back to The Capitol where they keep everyone that violates there tattoo. Its stupid that we are all kept in different parts of where we live just because something we can't control.I look over and see that they left the plastic barrier open to The Blue District. I've always wondered how it was over there. Maybe this is my chance.....


As I walked onto the other side of the barrier the air seemed to smell different. As if I had walked into one of those perfume shops at the mall. I made sure that my tattoo was hidden from site.I walk around as if I were from here.Like I belonged. I soon find myself at their mall and I walk in. I find that they too have a Mayhem Madness store.I go in and find a Hello Batty tshirt and a Living Deadness doll that were brand new. All the stuff we get in our part of town are used from The Yellow District. I walk up to the counter with the Hello Batty and Living Deadness doll and a pair of combat boots I found when looking around.

"That will be 35 dollars please" said the girl behind the counter,

I hand her my money and she looked at it weird.

"This looks very old, Did you find it somewhere?" said the cashier.

"Yeah i found in outside in the street, I figued fair gain "I laughed

"Oh, Fer sure, Here's your change, I hope you like your stuff" she says smileing.

I walk out and pull my hood up to make sure my face is covered, I go to walk back to my side of town but the barriers closed

" Fuck I'm stuck here then, what am I gonna do" I say outloud to myself

" Hey, Are you ok?" Said a sweet voice.

" Uh.. Yeah I'm fine thank you" I said shyly.

" Hey, I've never seen you around, I'm Kevin" He said.

"I'm Mia" I said

" Where do you live? I've never seen you" said Kevin.

" Uh... 2 blocks from here" I lied.

" Oh cool. What street? I live 2 blocks on Hennasee." said the boy named David.

" I do too" I lied again.

" Its weird I've never seen you" said David.

" Yeah..." I said running my hand threw my hair.

As I do that my hoodie sleeve pushes up exposing my tattoo.

" You're not from here! You have a Red District Tattoo! " Yelled Hannah.

Oh shit what do I do now....


Ok so this book is something I've wanted to do for a very long time so let me know what you think :) thank you my lovelies :D

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