Chapter 3

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"Ok wow that's it for today you guys can head home" Sophie shouted to the team. I grabbed my bag and rolled my neck around.

I was walking to my car when a hand on my shoulder stopped me. "Yes Isaac?" I asked grabbing my keys.

"You're not still mad at me are you?" I looked up at him and then at my car. "No I wasn't mad just felt stupid, but I really have to go head to work!" I tried rushing this conversation.

"Let me see your phone first." I grabbed my phone and tossed it to him. Crossing my arms and looking around.

"My number is in there, text or call when you want to see Derek." I quickly hugged him then ran to my car speeding away.


"You're late on your first day." The manager said teasingly.

"Sorry cheer practice caught up but I will work extra hours to pay it off." I said grabbing and apron. "No need it's ok." She said handling a customer.

I put on the head set for drive through and turned it on.

"Welcome to Starbucks what can we make for you?"

"Um I'll have a pumpkin spice cappuccino, small please." the person said.

"That will be $4.12 at the second window." I told them. So basically that is what I do half my day, repeating sentences.

I got back to the hotel and not even the lobby worker was out at the front desk. I was exhausted and just wanted to go to bed. My room was clean and bed was made so I plopped down going to bed.

The next morning I woke up early so I could take another shower. I chose a simple outfit today not to main stream.

It was just yoga shorts, floral blouse, and a tan leather jacket. I slipped on some Sperry's and put my hair up in a ponytail. My phone buzzed in my pocket, it was a text from Isaac.

See you at school, need to talk to you- Isaac.

Why does he need to talk to me?

I drove to the school and saw these twin guys smirking at me. Why is it always the twins that look like they are killers or something?

I got out and they walked to me together. "Hello I'm Aiden and this is Ethan." Aiden said patting his brother's shoulder.

"Hi I'm Taylor." I gave a fake smile.

"We heard you're a Hale." Ethan said all of a sudden. I nodded and looked away from them.

"We aren't too fond of the Hale's so watch your back." Aiden said taking a claw out and cutting my lower arm. They looked at my arm confused then back at me.

"Why aren't you healing?" Ethan asked looking at me then his brother. "Because I'm a human dumb ass and that really hurt." I tried not to cry.

Scott came up behind me and growled at Aiden and Ethan. "What did you do?" he said stepping closer. "We didn't know she was human." Ethan said walking away with Aiden.

It stung so bad I was shaking trying to keep my arm up. "It's ok I will take some pain away." Scott said gently taking my arm and getting some pain.

It felt a little better and I sniffed. "Can you take me to the nurse?" I squeaked and he nodded. The nurse just wrapped my arm up and sent me off to class.

I gave Mr. Harris the pass and sat next to a very angry Isaac. "Why were you with Scott?" I lifted my arm and showed him. His eyes flashed yellow then back to his natural blue.

"I was going to warn you about the alphas, they took Erica and Boyd." I was taken back from that but rubbed his arm in comfort.

The whole class Isaac looked jittery to where he was moving the desk so much. "Isaac calm down." I whispered but he wouldn't stop.

I intertwined our fingers together and he stopped looking down at our hands. "Just stay calm" I whispered again and he nodded squeezing my hand.

The bell rang and I let Isaac's hand go but he just growled. "No, no growling." But he just growled back. "That's adorable just one more time" He growled again making me giggle.

I went to walk away but he growled louder. "Isaac seriously?" I took his hand and tugged him down the hall. "Why are you growling?" I asked still holding his hand.

"I don't know I can't control it" he said rubbing his neck. "Is the little puppy hungry or needs to use the restroom?" I said in a baby voice.

"No I need to see Derek, come with me." This time he tugged me to his motorcycle. I hesitated for a second before I got on and wrapped my arms around his lower stomach. I shrugged off the nerves and held on tight as he drove away from the school.

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