Chapter one

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"Ugh, Tommy, get off me!" I pushed him off me but he was so heavy. He was a sloppy drunk and was giving me wet, hot kisses with stinky beer breath. His team had won yet another game and we had been to the usual celebratory after party at Craig Mitchell's house. Well, it was more of a mansion. Craig's parents were loaded. I had been getting bored and asked Tommy to drive me home. He was drunk but I didn't have a licence and I wasn't about to call my mom to fetch me.

While Tommy had been getting blind drunk, Craig had been coming onto me as usual. Tommy didn't notice, as usual and as usual my friends were all trying to get noticed gyrating on the dance floor. My life appeared glamorous on the outside. I was told daily how beautiful I was, I had the most popular boy in school as my boyfriend and I was queen bee in my circle of friends. On the surface everything was great. My modelling had really taken off. I wasn't that interested in displaying my looks or being vain but it made me a lot of money. I was saving up to get out of this place. Go to college or travel.

I hated asking my mom for anything. My dad had died when I was twelve. He was murdered. Even though I know my mom got a huge insurance pay out she was always going on about how much things cost and money doesn't grow on trees.

Oh, it was alright for her. She always had money for shopping and my grandparents helped out a lot. My dad's parents forced him into marrying my mom seeing how she had me at sixteen. They were not about to let him raise a "bastard child."

I know he resented my mother but we couldn't be closer. I was a real daddy's girl. My mom and I on the other hand had never seen eye to eye. She acted like a friend rather than a mother. She dressed inappropriately and tried to be the cool mom.

This brings me back to my current situation. I had no curfew and mom loved Tommy so I knew I could do whatever I wanted with no consequences. I could stay out till whenever I wanted. I was still a virgin as I didn't want to end up like my mother. Tommy had always been fine with it but lately had become demanding saying he could get it anywhere but was waiting for me. He was tired of waiting it seemed.

Tommy and I had been together two years and while in the beginning it was exciting, I had grown bored of the monotony of it all. Same shit, different day. He had become the stereotypical jock.

I wanted more, I wanted intellectual conversations, real dates. I got out the car as Tommy had passed out at this point. I took my heels off and walked home. I wasn't too worried as the crime rate was very low. We lived in a small town where everyone knew each other. My dad's murder was the worst thing to happen in this town. The police said he had interrupted a burglar passing through town which resulted in him getting shot. Nobody had ever been arrested.

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