Untitled Part 124

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K.K. · · →

I arch my back and rub against the doorframe, looking at you sassily. -Mittens

"Never better," I answer sarcastically. -Skyler

"You like it?" -Nikki

"Like what? I'm busy Cassie." -Vince


Tanner&Jason · · →


I frown a little "Sky, are you feeling ok?"-Jason


I glare at you "you're gonna stand there and taunt me aren't you?"-Tanner


· · →

"I'm at Heathrow airport can you pick me up." I say flatly "I'll do something in return."-Cassie

"Thank you" I say nibbling on it-Destiny


Andrew · · →

"Because he used to be an army doctor. Dealt with things far more severe than a knife in the back." I answer before anyone can. I stroll in smoothly, as if it wouldnt be a surprise. I'm dressed in my clothes, minus a shirt.
I have seven lines of stitches all around the same length scattered about. 3 are in my stomach, one is on my upper chest close to the heart, wo are in the right side of my lower chest and the last is in the left side. But on my backside it shows only four out of the seven have gone all the way through me, the one close to my heart, two on each side of my chest and the worst one in my stomach being the ones that have gone straight through. Alomg with thatare bruises and minor cuts from fighting and several whip lashing marks.
I look around and smiles. "Got bored of being stuck in bed pissin' in a bloody pan, so I thought I'd get up and see how you were doing Sherlock. I'd also like to thank you, Alice, John and Andrew" I look over at Mycroft, the one I've left out. I walk over and smiles, suddenly wrapping my arms around you with more strength than you expect. "And of course you Mycroft! If it hadn't been for you I'd be back in Ashworth, wrapped up in a straight jacket!" I laugh gleefully and twirls around, bringing you around with me since i havent let you go yet. I take away my arm and grins "My mind is silent for the first time in my life! I dont feel paranoid, scared. No voices by my own!" I laugh again"Adams's cure for what he gave me has totally gotten rid of the signs of my schizophrenia! A b-e-a-UTIFUL side effect!" -Strider

"Strider, you shouldnt being doing all this, shouldnt even be up! Its only been a week. You had a sword run through you're entire body!" -John

"I dont care! Im fine John, I feel fantastic! He mostly missed all vital organs, only knicked my heart but other than that its nothing too serious. Worst danger I was in was bleeding out."I smile "Adam has terrible aim with a blade. Anyhow, I owe you a lot Mycroft. Anyone check on Smirnov? Or have a spare shirt, I dont have one" -Strider

I just sit looking shocked at Strider, having no words.


K.K. · · →

"I'm really warm," I answer, which strikes you as odd because I was shivering a minute ago. -Skyler

I poke my head into the room and meow tauntingly. -Mittens


Tanner&Jason · · →


"That is true." I nod, I look over at you "you ok?"-Jason

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