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Lauren's POV

It's such a good day whilst the sun kissing my skin first thing in the morning. The happenings last night come like waves from the ocean invading my mind. When I suddenly don't feel any warmth beside me on the bed, I immediately got up from the bed and look sideways. There's no one here with me. It's impossible. It's impossible that it was just a dream. I rested my body once again on the bed and feel the warmth that's left of Camila. "It happened. I know it did." I whispered to myself and thought of something. Probably she's in the bathroom or in the kitchen. I got up and left the room. I first checked the bathroom and it's empty, heading to the kitchen there's a familiar sound. Finally, she's here. I suddenly have a bright plan inside my head.

I'd surprise her.

"Boo!" I surprised her and Camila's face isn't revealed to my view. Instead, Ally's face came in the view. "W-what the hell?! I m- I mean, what the hell are you doing here Ally?" Ally looked quite surprised but managed to get back to her normal facial expression.

Ally motioned for me to sit in front of her. Oh God no this can't be any good news. Before I even reach to her place, I ask her once again. "Ally come on why are you here? Where is Camila?" She still doesn't answer and sighing I managed to sat down near her.

"Camila isn't here." She states. Well that's pretty obvious isn't it? "Camila is with your mother right now, Lo." What? Did she just say my mother? What?! "Camila texted me to come here in case you woke up and she's already gone. She's with your mother right now and I don't know where."

"Fucking bullshit!" I snap. Suddenly this becomes the worst day. "She can't be with her Ally! She can't be. This can't be happening! We just- we just started. This can't be r-ruined already.... Oh my God...." I cover my mouth with my bare hands.

Ally shots me a questioning look. "Why can't she be with her?"

"Because she doesn't know Ally! She doesn't know my mom is still alive." I confess and she gasps right there in front of me as if I exploded a bomb or something. "If she tells her then she'll know the truth and she'll hate me. She can never forgive me. I promised her. I p-promised I would never lie to her." Ally remains still and speechless. I can't blame her though. This is a total confession. I know I made a mistake and it's hard to ever let go of that mistake. Last night was perfect and we were one. I cannot ever trade last night to anything right now because she trusted me and I made love to her and we connected and we're together.

But it will all be gone in one single snap of the past.

"I cannot believe you told her your mother is already dead." Ally tells me in a flat tone. "I cannot believe you never told her the truth when you care so much about her." She says as if expressing my thoughts into words. "If she hates you after knowing the truth, I don't think I can ever help you, Lo."

I sigh exasperatedly. "I know. I know. I care about her but understand that both of my parents are at least dead to me! I didn't even imagine they'd still come and ruin me again." Ally walks towards me and taps my back slowly.

"It's okay Lo I understand but if Camila loves you, I think she also will." And just like that, the front door opens revealing an entire face of Camila- not the Camila I expected though- this Camila is smiling like the world depended on it and she's carrying plastic bags of groceries and all. Ally managed to walk towards her and helped her lift the plastic bags and put it in the kitchen area.

I intently watch every move Camila makes and she doesn't make a move that makes me think she hates me. Because if she already hates me then why'd she still come here? Why come with bags of groceries with you? When all the plastic bags are put into place, she met my gaze and smiled at me. Surprisingly, she walked towards me and embraced me into a tight hug.

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