Chapter Two

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Harry had somehow calmed Niall down after a while, walking him home while talking about the immortality power. Niall had blocked everything out. He was in a state of shock where instead of feeling upset and angry, he just felt numb. He couldn’t do anything to get rid of the talent, it was stuck with him. 

“You’re Niall, right?” Harry asked. Harry knew about Niall. He was quite popular with everyone, and definitely the last person that you’d think be suicidal. But the strongest ones have the toughest masks. Niall could plaster his smile on his face and everyone would believe it was real. A simple movement that means so much to bystanders, but nothing to him. 

Niall nodded and they walked in silence. It was awkward to Niall because this man had just watched Niall attempt to kill himself, but it was comfortable for Harry. Once they reached Niall’s doorstep, Niall decided it would be nice enough to invite him in for coffee. 

“So if you could tell death dates, what does it say above my head?” Niall asked, sipping his coffee.

“00/00/00.” He replied simply. “You know, I’ve heard that you could trade your powers, or you can get rid of them even.” 

“Really?” Niall asked. Harry nodded, taking Niall’s hand and writing down his number on it. 

“Call me or text me. I’ll tell you when I’ve got more research.” He said, standing from the beige chair and zipping his coat. “Thanks for the tea.” With a smile and a wave good bye, he was gone. 

Niall decided to relax for the rest of the day, taking a bag of popcorn to his living room. He wrapped himself around a blanket and turned the T.V on, watching reruns of his favorite shows. The boy with curly hair had crossed his mind multiple times, and he remembers that he needs to ask his name when he calls.

Meanwhile, Harry was searching through the Internet, finding all possible information about trading or erasing powers. He himself had always wanted to find a way to erase the power, he just never brought himself to get up and research, but now he has a reason. Something about Niall had him wanting to do all that he could to save the boy. Although, him finding a way to erase Niall’s power will bring Niall to attempt to do it again, he won’t let him. He knows what it’s like to feel terrible all the time and maybe they can help each other. 

He gathered enough research to find out that there are two powerful people in this cruel world. The two who have the power to change powers with others or erase them forever. They live so far away, it would take the longest of two weeks. They could fly but it’s too much money and Harry’s job as a coffee house musician doesn’t pay him well enough for that. So, their only option is to drive. 

Just as Harry was about to head out the door to Niall’s, the phone rang. He knew it would be the blonde boy because no one else calls him. Harry is quite the lonely guy. 

“Niall.” He answered. 


Harry chuckled at that, realizing five seconds later that he forgot to give him his name.

“I’m Harry.” He said, blushing with embarrassment. 

“I’ll make note of that.” Niall replied.

“So, I got some info. I’ll pop by?” Harry asked.


With that, Niall hung up and Harry continued his way out the door. While he was driving the short way to his house, his mind wandered to the blue eyed boy. How broken and sad he looked when he found out he was immortal. But why would such a cheerful guy like him want to die? Harry didn't blame him really, he also thought about that direction too. But he would stop himself at the last second. He thought that he may have a reason, maybe? Maybe he was meant to be on this planet. Who knows. Maybe he was just scared of what comes after. 

Harry realizes he has been in Niall's drive way for a while now and leaves his jeep. Taking in a few pages of research he has collected with him. When he enters Niall's house, Niall is sleeping on the couch. A small blanket covering his body, leaving his pale feet cold. Harry decides to not wake him up and sits himself down on a chair, watching the television silently. He wants to ask Niall why he wants to die. He wants to know more about him. He wants to understand the unreadable boy.  

"Oh." He jumps when he hears Niall whisper, looking over at the boy. "You're here. I'm sorry, I fell asleep."

"It's okay." Harry replies, smiling. He lifts papers and sits up to hand them to Niall. Niall reads them over, his eyebrow crunching up slightly as he tries to remember everything that he's reading. 

"Jotown?" He says. "Thats really far away." 

"I was thinking, we could drive?" Harry asks. Niall frowns at that, being in a car for days? They could sleep at motels or something, but they'd pay the exact same amount of money as a plane trip. "My uncle has a van. Kind of like a hippie type? Great for road trips." 

"Yeah?" Niall asks.


"What about gas?" Niall wonders. Gas will cost a lot too.

"Don't worry about it." Harry says. "So when do you wanna go?" 

"As soon as possible." Niall replies. "Just call me whenever and I'll go when you go."

"Okay, I'll have to contact my uncle and stuff, so start packing." 

Niall is hesitant about the whole idea. Staying in a van with a stranger he's just met is risky. But something about Harry makes Niall want to trust him. He just seems like someone who cares, doing all of this for Niall. It's the first time anyones done anything for him in a while. And maybe it makes Niall happy. Just a bit.


hi, sorry it's been so long. ive been a bit down for a while and idk, im making excuses. i'm not sure if jotown is real, i just made it up lol. but a narry road trip! yayayyy. 

vote comment and fan, just so i know someone's reading this. bye bye.

ps this chapter is probably really short im sorrrryyyy D:

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 04, 2013 ⏰

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