The Festival Part 1

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8:00 a.m.

Jade's P.O.V

I slowly opened my eyes and groaned softly. I really hate mornings, they're stupidly bright and sunny. I looked around and softly smiled at my Pokémon cuddled up with one another, but my Synder was the one who curled up against me, letting me use her stomach as a pillow. I propped myself on my elbows and used my left hand to rub the sleep out of my eyes and scanned the room more.

My eyes fell upon the sleeping beauty next to me. Her hat had come off sometime during the night and let loose her chocolate waves. I trailed my eyes down further over her closed eyes to her mouth which was open slightly, soft snores creeping out. I caught myself lingering on her lips for far too long and immediately shook my head and turned my attention to my Pokémon.

I couldn't help but smile and snap a picture quickly of them all cuddled together around my Atreyu, my Cubone, who was making a soft whimpering noise and slightly kicking his leg. I gently scooped him into my arms and rocked him slowly and gently. I watched as he woke up with a fright, I quickly drew him into a hug and kissed his nose.

"Shhh, it's okay, no one can hurt you. Mommy's here now."

Mommy...such an odd concept to me. But it was undeniable, I was the sole caretaker of my Pokémon. I had raised them. I was the one who found Atreyu alone in the woods crying next to his mother's remains. I alone found my Charmeleon Morrigan, alone in the woods trying to take shelter from the storm. I nursed my Rapidash War back to health when I found it abandoned and malnourished by a farm not to far outside my village. My Haunter Tawney was found in the same barn, they had formed an odd friendship and I knew I had to take both, not that I minded.

I cradled Atreyu a bit longer, watching as the rest of my Pokémon start to wake. I smiled softly and cradled Atreyu in one arm, so I could set out food and drinks for the others. I leaned back against Synder, who was now fully awake and sitting behind me, guarding us all. I felt her as she rested her head against my shoulder, knowing she wouldn't eat until the others were done and away. Synder by far was my favorite, I love all of them but Synder was the one who found me.

I was only five at the time when I disobeyed my mother and snuck off into the woods after my bedtime. I had never been allowed in the woods on my own, I was restless and I wanted to explore. I remember the rush I felt when I took my first few steps in, adrenaline pumping through me, pride growing as I wasn't caught sneaking out.

I felt a small smirk tug at the corner of my lips, thinking about how great I had felt. I ran and ran and ran till I collapsed in a small clearing, breathing heavily, smirking as I am now. I remember seeing so many stars that night, I remember the moon being full. I remember sitting up and looking around, getting up to leave and panic slowly creeping in as I didn't remember my way home.

I remember running around, looking for a way out or a familiar path that would lead me home. I remember after running around for hours I sat by a rather large oak tree and curled up, crying and shaking from fear. I remember jumping when I felt something nudge me in my right shoulder. Looking over I found myself face to face with a Growlithe just about my size. Tongue slightly sticking out, ear flopped only at the tips, tail wagging slowly and cautiously.

And for some odd reason, the sight of it had calmed me down enough where I firmly planted myself into its fluffy chest, my arms wrapped around it's neck as I cried. She had let me cry, and waited patiently till I was done before it gently took my hand into its mouth and led me safely out of the woods. It followed me all the way home, never leaving my side as I snuck back into the house and up to my room. It stayed and cuddled with me all night, and stayed by my side in the morning when my mother scolded me for sneaking out.

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