our night

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chapter 3

I got on my cloths from last night and thank God that James was kind enough to put them in the dryer because they were soaked! I finished up and took the keys from the wall and grabbed my purse and walked out the door. James has taught me to be careful when i leave alone because he doesn't someone seeing i came out and think of something. I walked down the stairs and out to the street. It felt weird leaving Jame's apartment without him or Casey along side of me. I walked down the street till i got to the little Starbucks around the corner.

I walked in and right away I knew there was going to be trouble.

"Hi can i have a tall mocha frappe with whip" I said and took out a five

"Sure anything else?" The lady at the cash register smiled

I looked over in the glass container and saw my favorite cake pops and a pumpkin danish

"I'll take one cake pop and a pumpkin danish" I replied

"Sure thing doll" She replied and pushed the buttons on the screen then my total came up on the little screen

"That will be 10.25" The lady replied and stood there waiting for the money

I pulled out a twenty, I needed change.

She sighed when i handed her the money but i didn't give one fuck i needed the change for later. she rung me up then gave me my change and got my food ready. they called my name for my drink and when i went back there the old guy winked at me and i felt like throwing up. I grabbed my drink and rushed back up to the front where the lady was waiting with my food

"Have a nice day" she groaned as if she had said it over a houndrad times that day

"You too" I said and rushed out of there

I walked down thinking of where to go. I thought about going home but then mom would want to know about everything that happened last night and I didn't feel like talking. I was thinking of going to Lucy's house but that would end up with too much drama.

I pulled out my phone and called up my mom

"Megan? Honey are you okay! Mr. Jonson called this morning" My mom said right away

"Hello to you too" I said

"honey where are you?" She asked

"Walking home James had to go to work and Casey's mom picked her up in the morning" I replied

"they did't even offer you a ride!" She snapped

"Mom! Casey's mom is going threw a lot and James had an emergency he had to run too. he offered but i didn't want to get in his way" I said

"Meagan what did I tell you about calling Mr. Johnson by his first name?" My mom warned me

"Ahh mom your so weird! anyway are you home?" I asked

"No I'm at work, why?" she replied

"I'm going home but Casey is going to pick me up tonight, were going out to dinner so please no phone calls like crazy" I begged

"Well you are turning 18 in a couple months so its good to give you your space. Tell Casey I said hello" My mom replied

"I will" I said

"Love you honey, are you sleeping over again?" She asked

"Yeah I'll be home on Monday and I love you too" I said

"Okay bye honey be careful okay?" she said

"Okay bye mom" I said and hung up

when I got home I went upstairs and changed into yoga pants and a over sized sweater. Its was actually Jame's sweater from the Fire house that he gave me about two months ago. which reminds me that tomorrows our two year anniversary. I can't belive its already been two years. I just remember the first day I met him

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