Chapter 1: W-w-w-what!?!?

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I looked around to see a fire had started....I panicked a sprinted but I couldn't get away from it, I almost screamed, I wanted help no. I needed help...

"MOM!? DAD!?!" I yelled panicked, seconds later I heard someone yelling at me.. "Wake up you brat!!" I jointed up, and I looked around to see myself in my room and to see my dad right there looking peeved off. "This is what you get you ungrateful brat!!" He yelled as he pulled me out of bed and threw me onto the floor punching me and kicking me. I screamed out on accident completely forgetting what happens when I scream.... He pulled his belt off.

"P-P-Please n-n-n-no." I said loud enough for only the to of us to hear he smirked and whipped me with the belt on my stomach but not heard enough to leave a bruise, I don't know how but every time he whipped me with it he never left a bruise but it hurt really badly. He than hit my back, I bit my lip to keep myself from screaming...

"You can't do anything right!! I despise you! You aren't even my-" My mom walked in and she looked like she was thing... "Violet what happened to you??" My 'dad' asked innocently, I almost broke out in tears right than and there. I got up from the floor I got the dirt off of me, and I tried to stay strong and not cry, not now. "Violet sweetie do you need to go to the hospital??" My mom asked, I just stared at her for a couple of seconds, "No mama I'm fine" I mumbled, I'm fine is the most common lie ever no one knows the true meaning of "I'm fine"....

"I need to get ready for school...." I mumbled once again, "Okay come on honey let's go." My mom said and 'dad' and mom left my 'room' I have a room that's like a servant room, it's hard flooring, a chair, and my bed than that's it... Now I'm going to tell you a little bit about my 'family' in this case my mom and dad...

My mom's a druggie, when she's not high she's actually caring, which is rarely. What you saw right there was my mom not high, she alcoholic too. My mom needs to go to rehab but. . . . She won't go, she knows that dad's abusive towards me but, she could careless, she knows that it was him who did this to me but she didn't say anything, she wouldn't do anything either, my dad doesn't think she knows about what he does to me but. . . She knows she just hasn't said anything to him. My mom doesn't care about me neither does my dad. My dad's another story for another time.

I walked into the bathroom, hopped into the shower... I took a quick one, I than got out of the shower.. I dried myself off quickly, I took my hair down from the messy bun that I had it in from last night when I went to bed. I brushed it just to put it back into a messy bun I left my face the way it was, I don't put makeup on I do natural beauty even though I don't have any...

I put on a blue tank top, black leggings, black wore out sneakers, and my black hoodie. I walked out of the bathroom quietly, I walked downstairs, grabbed a piece of toast and I walked out of the house. I have to walk to school which takes about 25 minutes and I left the house just now which is 7:30, so I'll get there at 7:35.. School doesn't start till 8:45, and I'm just going early because I can...


~7 hours of school later~

By the time school was out I left for work, I walked into work it was really awkward but I kept myself busy... I kept doing what I did best at this job.. I waited on people and by that I mean I take their orders.... A group of tall scary looking people took a seat at the table, I looked over at Sandy, she looked scared... But not as scared as I did she told me to do that table. I took a deep breath in and I walked over.

"Hello my names Violet, I will be your waitress today..." I said I put a fake smile on my face and I looked at all of them real quick, I made eye contact with someone who had black hair that had looked like a fawk hawk, a nice jawl line, beautiful full lips, beautiful gray eyes, and a muscular body, everything about him was handsome, but he looked scary and threatening to say I was scared would be a lie I was... Horrified.

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