Chapter 1

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The chilling wind cut through my black leather cloak as I crouched in the giant oak tree. My hood flew back as the wind picked up, my long blonde hair filling up with the dried leaves that broke off the ancient tree.

I waited, silently, in the glow of a single lit window. Every so often a figure would walk past, then disappear to the other side of the room. I waited. Waited for the time when he would get too hot from pacing, and take a second to open the window. I saw the maid below me open the door to let a dog out, my cue to load my dart bow.

The dog yelped and barked at the neighbor's dog just like every other night, cueing the man to open his window, just like every other night.

I had been watching this man closely for 3 days now, deciding carefully how I was going to deal out his death. I sat here, in this tree, for 3 nights observing his behavior. He was a rather routine man, and further observation showed that he was also a very stressed one. Maybe he knew his death was coming. That would explain why he moved secretly to the edge of town.

Just as he was pacing for the fifth time, I courageously fixed my hood, now erasing any sign of my existence from view. If I had forgotten, it could have been the end of the line. My bright hair proved to be only a nuisance in this kind of work.

The man paused in front of the dirty window for a second, scratching at his short gray-brown hair, a hand on his hip, then turned to look out the window. As he raised it, I let out a breath, it freezing and obscuring my view for a second. For a moment I thought he had seen me, for his gaze stuck in place for a long time, and he didn't turn his head or move otherwise for a handful of minutes. He was deep in thought, probably contemplating his life choices and the events that led up to this moment. The moment he decided to flee the town. The moment that sealed his fate.

I waited until his head went back inside the house then I shot.

Everything was in slow motion, not a sound was heard but him falling to his knees. The tiny clear dart had embedded itself in his abdomen, disappearing from view as I went all the way inside his shocked body. It would only leave a tiny hole, no traces left otherwise.

In a matter of minutes, the dart would dissolve, poisoning the mayor and shutting down his heart. By that time, I would be miles away, riding my horse as fast as it could carry me.

As I strode off, about a block down I stopped and listened. For a moment all was silent, but in a matter of seconds I heard the maid's crude screams.

Another cue that my work was a success.


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