Nylaa Gets A Solo(kinda...)

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Imma tell you kiddies a story.

once upon a time, there was a girl who played the clarinet. she's been playing this instrument for a long long time.

this girl, got a solo. she sees a video of her mellow sound (along with her friends along in the string department, I play in symphony orchestra  as well...) and is very amazed.

but, when it was time to hear that magical part that she had, it was ruined.

someone coughed, during her solo.

she was mad.


and here I hand you a crappy video of low quality, with the solo.
(pssst, the solo is at 4:35. You'll see a girl in a flower crown, straightening up to play it.)

she also played some other parts by herself, but if you find them, you're amazing. She's like... a low sound. And it's not the bass clarinet. Get it right.

I am she, she is me, the STRINGS UGH and yea.
I get the second clarinet part! Yay!


or at least.... try to--

there's actually pictures of me on the frikken twitter noooooo--

ask me questions about this... I don't want this chapter to be a blank canvas of comments....

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