Chapter 4

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S A S U K E  U C H I H A

I glared at the door as it closed behind the mysterious blonde with his little speech about eyes echoing in my mind. Who told him he had the right to tell that to me? The guy had the nerve to speak like that to me, an Uchiha! Who the hell did he think he was? Adding onto my frustration, I didn't recognize him and I knew everyone at the academy, whether they were in our grade or not. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't figure out who that face belonged to.

But the thing that frustrated me the most was the fact that despite how much I didn't like him, I couldn't help the feeling bubbling inside me. It was a strange feeling in the pit of my stomach... like my stomach was tingly and my palms were sweating. The feeling was butterflies. I had butterflies in my stomach after hearing him speak to me. 

 When he spoke, the words burst with brighter colors than they usually do. It was almost blinding.

It was like his voice made the colors more vibrant... But that can't be possible, right? My entire life the color or colors for a word were always the same, none were brighter or more vibrant than the others... At least until now.

But it was possible if it just happened with him. 

I needed to see those vibrant colors again. At least one more time.


It was the day after I passed out and apparently word had already spread throughout the entire school that the almighty Uchiha had fainted in the middle of the hallway. The moment I walked into school, students parted whilst whispering and giggling behind their hands. I had suddenly become 'The Uchiha Who Fainted in the Hallway'.

I scowled at the students and kept walking. I didn't give a care in the world whether they thought I was weak or not. I was an Uchiha and I could never be weak and they all knew it. As I walked past them all, my eyes skimmed over each face, trying to find that blonde from yesterday. I passed every person in the hallway and none looked like him. Where in the world was he?

The entire day passed by normally which upset me greatly. I knew that if I had been able to find him, my day wouldn't have passed normally.  I had a feeling that he would make every day special and different. 

I couldn't pay attention in class and I couldn't fall asleep like I usually do either. My mind was filled with his voice and the words he had said. Already his voice was becoming quieter and the bright colors that burst from his words faded as my memory slowly let go of the memories. I had never been so focused on a single person in my entire life.

I walked around school like a ghost.  It was as if he had sucked all the energy out of me when he left. Nothing seemed as colorful ever since I met him. I hadn't realized the impact he had made on me until now.  

When lunch came around, I was absolutely lifeless.  I could sense everyone's worried looks at the lunch table but I continued to stare at the yellow cafeteria wall.  Yellow like his bright blonde hair. 

"Sasuke, you should really eat something." Sakura slid over the lunch table bench next to me and pushed a salad in front of me.  The salad that I always ordered.  I didn't reply and kept staring straight ahead like the yellow wall was the most interesting wall in the whole world.  Although I guess it was since it reminded me of the blonde... But everything was reminding me of him today.  "Sasuke, just one bite! Please?"  Sakura took out a plastic fork carrying a sliced tomato and spinach leaves.  Normally the sight of that would make my stomach grumble but I really wasn't in the mood.  I didn't reply and instead slid over on the bench, away from her and the food.  

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