Ch 6: An Ode to Pizza

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The door of Stiles's apartment slammed shut with a bang but he didn't care. He had made the team and he was ecstatic about it. He didn't know who to call or tell first. He eventually decided on Lydia. He grabbed his phone and began to text, furiously pounding his keyboard into submission.

Hey Lydia.

Hey Stiles. What's up?

I made the swim team!

Congrats Stiles! I'm so proud of you. Back to my earlier question. Have you met anybody cute yet?

There may or may not be someone cute but why's it matter to you?

Because I want you to be happy and you need to date someone so that you aren't single forever.

Fine. I have. His name is Derek Hale. He actually lived in Beacon Hills before he came to Western.

Well, I wish you luck on getting him on a date and if you ever need advice just give me a call.

Ok then. Thanks Lydia.

Stiles ended the text and set his phone down for a moment. He walked into his closed off bedroom and shucked off his shirt and pants. He rummaged around in his messy drawer and pulled on a pair of green and black plaid pajama pants. He closed the door, grabbed a carton of chocolate milk from his fridge and plopped himself down onto his futon. He decided to call his dad next.

"Hey dad, it's me."

"Stiles! What do I owe this call to?"

"Well I made the team dad! I just thought I would let you know. I also got a ninety-seven percent on my thesis paper. How are things going with you and Melissa?"

"Things are great Stiles. We're planning our wedding at the moment. We're hoping for a summer wedding, maybe one in August. I couldn't be happier and I couldn't be any prouder of you. I have to go now but congratulations." Stiles's dad hung up the phone and Stiles sighed to himself.

He rummaged around in his fridge and found no food whatsoever so being a swimmer and a nineteen year old guy he decided to order pizza.

A loud knock was heard throughout Stiles's apartment. He jumped up and shuffled to the door, rubbing his neck with his hands. He opened the door, expecting to see the pizza man but it wasn't the pizza man. It was Derek.

Derek glanced awkwardly at Stiles, before he thrust his hand forward and presented Stiles with his water bottle.

"You forgot this at the pool Stiles so I figured I'd return it to you. I also wanted to say that I just happen to be your next door neighbour. So welcome to the apartment building and welcome to the team as well." Derek stood awkwardly in the doorway until Stiles finally broke the silence.

"I ordered pizza just now. You want to stay for it?" 

Derek stared at Stiles and Stiles inwardly groaned. Why did he have to ask that of Derek?

"I guess I'll stay if you invited me to. Just be warned that I eat a lot." Derek chuckled to himself as he stepped over the threshold and into Stiles's apartment.

"I eat a ton too which is why I ordered two large pizzas. Just make yourself at home while we wait for the pizza."

The pizza came at that opportune moment and as Stiles was attempting to pay for the food Derek wandered over to the desk where a couple framed pictures sat. He saw a picture of Stiles with his father at his highschool graduation, a picture of who he assumed to be his mother and a picture of Stiles and a group of others at a lake. He smiled and it turned to a smirk when he heard Stiles let out a horrified shriek.

"I left my wallet at the pool so I can't pay for the pizza. Maybe just this once you can cut me a deal and I can owe you a favour?"

"I'm afraid I can't do that sir." Said the pizza man halfheartedly. He turned to leave but Derek put his arm on the door frame and prevented escape.

"How much does he owe you?" Asked Derek as he reached for his wallet. The amount was discussed, cash was exchanged and pizza was beginning to be eaten.

"Hey thanks for doing that Derek but you didn't have to."

Derek smiled to himself and shook his head. "If there's one thing swimmers can't live without it's pizza or chocolate milk. Also the dater normally pays for the date's first dinner."

Stiles choked on his pizza and his face went red.

"I'm just kidding Stiles." Chuckled Derek.

"That's fair enough I guess." Shrugged Stiles as he crammed another piece into his mouth. He hadn't swam in years and he was positively ravenous at the moment. Normally he wouldn't eat that way in front of people but this was Derek and he didn't really care at this point.

"So what are you getting your degree in Stiles?"

"Well, I'm going for computer engineering. Hopefully a masters but I'll settle for a bachelor if I need to. It all depends on my dad and our financial situation. I mean I did get a partial scholarship so it isn't as bad for me. What are you going for Derek, if you don't mind me asking?"
"Well it starts with a bit of a story if you're willing to listen. It's not a very happy story and I don't often tell people but I guess you might understand."

"I'll definitely listen. I've got pizza, chocolate milk and a swimmer in my apartment so all that's missing is a story."

Derek shifted on the couch, trying not to stare at Stiles's bare chest while he figured out the best way to tell the story.

"When I was fifteen, I was heavily involved in the swim team at Beacon Hills High and the competitive team. I think you were on the team at that time too. Anyways, I had made national times in the fifty back, one hundred back and the two hundred back so our coach who now coaches this team decided to send me to nationals to see if I could make Olympic trials. The day I left with the coach, I stood outside my house and waved goodbye to my mother, sisters and uncles and aunts. It was the last time I would see them. I later realized that I had forgotten my swim bag at my house so we travelled back and that's when I saw the fire. My entire house was on fire and I could hear my family screaming inside. Long story short they all died and I made new records at nationals and threw myself into  swimming. The fire which was supposedly arson was never solved so I'm going into criminology and forensic sciences."

Stiles stared at Derek before he slowly began to respond. A couple hours later Derek left Stiles's apartment and they both settled in for the night.

Tomorrow was going to be a very busy day for both of them.

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