"So, I was walking around, when I saw a reflection of something shiny over here. And so, of course, I walked over to it. Silv, you were still looking at the clothes. But anyways, I walked over to it. And this is what I found." Pres dug through the soil a bit. He pulled out a small, silver ball. It was about the size of a bead. "I think it might be the Orb."
"Pres, oh my gosh. That's not the Orb. That's BB gun ammo. Haven't you seen it before?" Silv picked up the ammo.
"Oh, I thought it looked something like that. I've never really worked with a BB gun." Pres blushed. "Sorry for the false alarm." He toss the ammo to the side.
"It's fine," I said. I thought it was quite funny.

"So, where's Moon? I know she's hurt, but I thought she would want to see." Pres looked around. "Is she invisible?"
"No, we had to think of a quick plan. Sage was going to come with us. She's in the infirmary," Silv explained.
"Oh gosh! What was your plan?"
"For her to pretend to be hurt. We asked Sage to take her. But... Xx and I aren't sure if it was part of the plan, but she collapsed." Silv looked over at me.

I should probably speak up.
"Yea," I was all I could mutter.

"Oh. We should go check on her." Pres started walking towards the infirmary.




"She seems to be okay," Jennie told us. "She just has a few cracked ribs." "You, however, need to be careful when you climb. You'll have to stay here for at least the rest of the day," she told Moon. Moon smiled.
"Thanks, Jennie."
"No problem!" Jennie exited the room.

"You gave us quite the scare, Moon," I said.
"Yea. Was the collapsing part of the plan or not?" Silv looked concerned.
"No, but it added an effect." Moon's smile faded for a split second. "What was the thing you wanted to show me?"
"I thought it was the Orb, but it turned out to be-" Pres was interrupted with Silv's laughter.
"IT WAS BB GUN AMMO!" Silv burst into laughter.

A sudden knock on the door settled Silv's laughter. It was Sage.
"I'm so glad Moon is okay," she said. She looked at the heart monitor. "What did you have to share, Pres?"
"Oh, I thought I found Silv's missing... button. It was just a shiny thing," Pres explained.
"A... shiny thing, you say? Would you mind taking me to it?" Sage looked very interested.
"Of course. Silv? Xx? Do you want to come?" Pres looked at me.
"No, that won't be necessary," Sage answered quickly. 

I wonder why she's so anxious to see what it is, I thought. Maybe she thinks it's the Orb. She was really excited... Is she trying to use us? Why didn't she want me to come?

"...you'll need to take these for two weeks, once a day." Jennie handed Moon a bag of pills. 
"What are they for?" Silv looked at the bag.
"For the pain." Jennie smiled at Silv.

"We need to get to our outpost. Our shift starts in two minutes," I said.
"And the girl talks." Jennie smiled at me. "I've never actually heard you talk. Why don't you?"
"Because..." I trailed off.
"What? Sorry, I couldn't hear you." Jennie leaned in to hear me better.
"She just said, 'because'. It seems like only I can hear her," Moon weakly smiled.
"Sorry. I'm just not really the talking person," I softly say. 
"No, sorry. Please don't yell. People are trying to rest here."

I wandered over to the window. I remember first coming here. I wanted to run away, get out. Now, I can't imagine not being here. I must have lived somewhere before this, though. I just couldn't remember. I must have lived on Earth. Everyone wants to go back. I guess it's worth fighting for, even though it would cost lives.

"Sorry," Silv said. "Let's go." She hopped off the bed. I followed her.
"Bye Jennie, bye Moon," I said in almost a whisper.
"Bye Xx! Bye Silv!" Moon waved to me and smiled. 

"We better hurry." Silv and I ran to our outpost. Pres was waiting for us. They stood on one side of the outpost while I took my usual side and entered my thoughts. 

Why Biomes? Why a hexagon? I wondered. How did we get our powers, if we're human? Are we aliens trying to invade Earth? Why were we put here in the first place?

"Xx, you're mumbling again," Pres said. He walked over to where I was sitting.
"Oh, sorry," I said quietly. 
"It's fine. What are you thinking about?" He sat down across from me. Silv sat next to him.
"Oh, nothing. Just about this whole world that we live in." I felt a bit uncomfortable telling both of then what I was thinking.
"It's okay. You don't have to tell us." Pres understood me. That's what I liked about him: he could be understanding at times. I smiled at him.




Our shift passed as usual. There weren't any accidents or invasions. The three of us were walking towards our living outpost. It was dark. Just then, I felt a tug on my arm.

"Hey, Xx, what's up?" It was Luke. Silv and Pres smiled at him and carried on their conversation.
"Just getting back from my shift." I kept staring straight ahead.
"Oh. Well, I was wondering if you would want to go with me to see Nyte and Springy?" 
"Oh..." I didn't answer for a while.

"Well?" Luke asked finally.
"No, I can't, sorry." I felt bad for saying no. I really wanted to explore, though.
"Oh. That's okay. Why not?" He stopped walking and looked at me. I stopped too. Silv and Pres kept on walking and chatting, not noticing that I had stopped.
"Um... I'm busy. Sorry." I tried to speed walk to catch up with Silv and Pres. He tugged my sleeve again.
"Hey, I know you're very quiet, but... If you ever need to talk, I'm here," He looked at me in the eyes and smiled."
"Thanks," I mumbled. He got the notice that I wanted to be alone and left.

At least I had friends that would look out for me.

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