I woke up. I looked around. No one was in the infirmary. In fact, it didn't look like I was in the infirmary. All around me seemed to be blank, like some sort of void. I got up. Whatever I was laying on disappeared. I kept looking around. 
This is starting to get weird.

I walked a few steps. I saw a figure in the distance.
"Hello?" I called out. The figure didn't move. It looked like a young woman, perhaps a girl. I walked towards her.
"Hello?" I asked again. The figure still didn't move. As I got closer, I realized that it was Silv. She was waiting for something. She had her uniform on, along with a smiling face. 
"Silv, can you hear me? Hello?" I waved a hand in front of her face.
Ignoring me, she shouted, "Come on, Moon! You can beat him!" She started clapping and cheering. I looked in the direction she was looking at. 

Moon was chasing something that was flying in the air. It looked like a disc. Pres was running along side her, too. They both jumped up to catch it. Moon caught it.
"YESSS! MOONY! MOONY WON!" Silv cheered. Pres started clapping, too.

"Hello? Moon? Pres? Silv?" I called out to them. It was like they couldn't hear me. "MOON!" I hoped she could hear me this time. "What is going on?" 
"Hey, did you hear something?" Moon asked. She looked around. Pres and Silv shrugged their shoulders.

"Moon, it's me. I'm right behind you. Hello?" I wandered helplessly around the group. 
"Come on, Moon. Let's go," Pres said. He started walking away. Silv followed him.
"Give me a second. I want to see something," Moon replied. She watched as Pres and Silv disappeared. She turned to face me. I was surprised that she knew I was here. She hesitated before she talked to me. 

"Xx, I heard you. I know you're here. But the other two don't because... because you need to speak up. I listen to you because I know you won't waste my time. I'm not saying that Pres and Silv don't listen to you, but you need to speak up if you have something to say. I know that you have something worthwhile to say People will listen. There's nothing to be afraid to if you speak up. The worst thing that people can do is to ignore you, or contradict you. I know it's probably hard to do, and it will take some time, but you have to try harder. Please."

I looked at her. She tried to smile, but it faltered. I felt like she was reading my thoughts.
"I'll try," I said. 
"There you go. Just try. There's nothing wrong with trying, eh?" Moon started walking away. I watched her go.

"Wait," I said. Moon turned around. "Where are we? Is this real?" I asked.
"No. This is a dream." And, with that, Moon walked away.




I woke up, for real. The infirmary walls surrounded me. I looked over at Moon's bed. It was empty. No one else was in the room. I slowly got up. I exited the infirmary without running into anyone.

I walked to our outpost. There were a few lights on. It looked like it was about 12:00 at night. I ran into Luke on the way to my outpost.

"Hey, Xx. How was training?" he asked casually. He started walking with me.
"It was... different," I said. I looked at him. He was studying the ground.
"Xx... I really hope you know that I'm here for you." He stopped walking. I stopped, too. We stood facing each other. 
"I know," I said, a bit louder than I usually was.
"Wow, you talked. You really talked. What's gotten into you? Are you okay?" Luke looked concerned.
"I'm fine. I just had a dream, that's all." I hoped that would do. Luckily, he didn't ask.
"Dreams... they're so weird." Luke started walking. I caught up with him. 
"Do you want to do something? Hang out with Springy, Nyte, and I? We're just polishing the weapons." 
"Thank you for the offer." I thought for a while. "I guess I can go- but only for a little bit."
"Okay, follow me." He led me to his outpost. Springy and Nyte were swinging axes around.
"Hey, be careful," Luke said. They instantly put them down.
"Hi, Xx!" Springy said. She waved to me. I waved back.
"Hi Xx!" Nyte repeated. I smiled and waved. "What are you here for? Not to be rude, sorry." Ntye looked down.
"It's fine. I'm just here to visit. What are you working on?" I asked. I was trying to reach out. I wanted them to know that I really liked them as my friends. I just couldn't find the words.

"Oh, nothing. Nyte brought out a cloth and started wiping the axe."
"We're just polishing up," Springy said. She was also wiping a weapon. It looked like my staff, only it had wires attached to it. Springy noticed me looking at it. "It serves as a staff. Whenever someone pounds it on the ground, the ground within five feet gets electrified, electrocuting whatever is within that range. It's also a good night light." Springy smiled.
"That one was always one of my favorite," Luke said. 

I ended up staying until 3:00 in the morning.

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