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****Jenna's P.O.V.****

The group stared at me wide eyed. My voice had come out scratchy from years of not being used. Tears were pooling in my eyes and I began to have trouble breathing.

"He's *gasp* going *gasp* to kill *gasp* me." I breathed.

"Who? Who's going to kill you?" James asked. Behind him I could see Roxy's eyes widen even more.

"He can't get you here, Jen. It's okay."

"No, no it's not!" I screamed. "He put a curse on me, and whenever I talk he knows, he'll–" Just then, the second part of the curse hit. Unbearable pain, like I was being crucio-ed by Voldemort himself. Memories resurfaced as if a dementor was near, and all of my scars opened. Blood was flowing from my arms and my stomach, tearing through my back, and ripping through me as I let out a silent scream.

I couldn't speak, I couldn't make a single sound no matter how much I wanted to. It took almost all of my remaining energy, and then some, for me to roll over onto my hands and knees. When I finally managed to, it took all of the rest for me to begin hacking up blood. Everything went black the moment the last drop of blood slipped through my lips.


I woke up in the dark, but I could see a light shining from a room near the one I'm in. I snapped my eyes shut again when I heard two pairs of footsteps approach. They passed by me I'm a few seconds, but I left my eyes closed.

"What's going on?" One of the two growled. "What's wrong with her?" Her? I thought who's her? Is her me?

"James Sirius Potter!" A woman scolded. "You need to calm down. I have known you from the day you were born, and I have never seen you get this way over anyone but Lily."

"Mum, stop!" He shouted. His voice lowered, "You wouldn't understand."

"Wouldn't understand? I wouldn't understand?! In my fourth year at Hogwarts, I died. When I was revived, the love of my life was convinced that I was trying to kill him." She growled.

"Ly, your hair's on fire." Another man, this one older, stepped into the room.

I opened one of my eyes a fraction and saw that the woman called Ly's hair was indeed on fire. She visibly calmed and a small wind blew through the room. I opened my eyes fully and stretched my limbs.

"Oh good, Jenna, dear, you're awake?"

I opened my mouth to reply, but nothing came out. In fact, it hurt terribly trying to. I cringed and the woman handed me a notepad and a muggle pen.

'Jenna. Am I Jenna? What happened? Who is the man and his younger look-alike?'

The boy, who's my age, I think, growled. "Mum, I'm going to kill him. He did this to her."

'You know who hurt me? Don't kill him, please. Maybe he had a reason. Am I a bad person? Did I hurt someone?'

The lady shook her head, but the boy still looked like he wanted to hurt someone. "No, dear. You're an amazing person. Your name is Jenna Raine, and this boy's name is James Potter. My name is Lyra Potter, and this is my husband, Harry."

'Oh my Merlin, I'm so sorry, did I intrude?'

"On what, Jenna?" Harry asked softly.

'Your small family, of course. There aren't many of you, and you seem so close, I don't want to interrupt that.'

James growled. "Do you remember anything?"

I thought back as far as I could, and nodded. 'I remember - I remember a violin, and a pair of hazel eyes, and a soft voice calling out 'Bird''. A pain shot through my head. 'James.' I wrote. 'I remember James.'

The boy - James - beamed and crushed me in a hug. I didn't even mind that my bandages were bleeding through because the nerves beneath his touch had just been lit on fire and it he was so warm and holy crap I'm hugging James Potter.

"And Bird?" He whispered. "We are definetly not a small family."

Just then, a red haired girl came in, one that I vaguely recognized.


I was walking through a crowded mall with my mum, only nine at the time. My grip on her hand tightened more and more until we were able to reach an empty bench.

"Jenna dear, Mummy has to go get something from another store. Sit here and be a good girl until I get back, okay?" I nodded, and did as I was told until, a few minutes later, a small girl came by, and she was crying.

"What's wrong?" I whispered, helping her sit down.

"I-I lost my mummy."

"It's okay," I soothed, "I'll help you find her. I'm Jenna. What's your name?"

"My bubby calls me Flower. He was with Mummy and Alby when I g-got lost!" Saying this brought on another wave of sobs from Flower.

I waited until she calmed down enough to tell me what her Mummy, brother, and whoever 'Alby' was, looked like.

"Mummy has red hair, really bright, like mine. Bubby has messy brown hair, like Daddy's. Alby looks just like Daddy."

"Okay, okay, let's go stand by the escalators. That's what my Mommy said to do if I ever got lost." So we walked that way, and halfway there, she gripped tightly onto my hand. It hurt, but I knew the feeling of feeling lost, so I let her.

We stood there for a few minutes. "Jenna?" She pronounced it Jen-na.

"Yeah, Flower?"

"What if Mummy never finds me? What if we stand here until we become Mummy's age? Jen-na, I'm scared."

"It's okay, Flower. Your mummy and daddy and bubby will find you. They'll find you because you're a wonderful girl, and if they had any sense in their heads whatsoever, they won't stop searching until they find you."

Just then, a rather large group came skidding to a halt in front of us. There were three women, two twenty-somethings and a sixty-something with red hair. Her daughter, I presume, also had red hair, but the other woman was a soft brunette. The two men behind them were each decorated with a child or two. The younger redhead had a small girl and an even smaller boy, and the man by him had two young rowdy boys.

"Lily!" They called. Flower perked up next to me. They two rowdy boys at the same time screamed "Flower!"

I let the small girl go, and she ran to her family. "Lily," they asked, "where have you been?"

"With Jen-na. I got lost so she took me here. She said that's where her mummy told her to go." Lily pointed back at me. "That's her, Jen-na."

The brunette woman came up to me. "Jenna? I'm Lily's aunt, and I just wanted to say thank you for helping her."

"You're welcome, I guess, but who is Lily?"

"I'm Lily!" Flower raised her hand like an overexcited schoolgirl.

"Hello Jenna, I'm James." The older of the rowdy boys came up to me, about my age. "I'm going to call you Birdie. Thank you for saving Flower, Birdie."

"You're welcome, James." I gasped. "My mummy's going to have my head if I don't get back soon! Goodbye Flower, James, Hermione, Flower's Mummy and Daddy and whichever one of you is the Alby!" I ran off and slid into my bench just as my mum left the store.

"You're such a good girl, Jenna," she had said. "Staying here just like I asked." I smiled and nodded innocently. I don't think she ever found out.

Flashback over.


I looked at the redhaired girl. She stared right back. "Jen-na?" She asked softly.

James gasped. "Wait, Lily, this is Birdie?"

Lily nodded, distracted. "Yeah, James. Yeah, it is."

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